Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Things I Tell Myself When the Adoption Wait Sucks

We started the process for our second child about 21 months ago.  We've been officially listed for over a year.  For Luke, from our first meeting with the social worker to getting him was 14 months, we were listed 10 of those.  This one is going a little slower.  Which we expected but that doesn't really make it much easier. There are some parts that are certainly better this time around.  I mean, this kid is pretty stinkin' adorable:

That certainly helps a little.  But there is also knowing the longer this goes on, the bigger the gap between them gets.  I am about 2 years from both my older and younger sister (25 and 21 months, respectively).  Luke is about 3 months from turning 3 (!!!).  I always figured I'd have kids with the same gap as most of my sisters and I.  Plus, we'd like more than 2 and expect the wait to be longer between each...then I start freaking out about being almost 40 (but not really) and not having all our kids!

A lot of this adoption process has been learning how to let go of what I wanted and expected.  Actually, pretty much all of it is about that.  So, when the days get tough and the wait drives me crazy (which is usually at least some point in every day) these are things I tell myself to make it a little bit better.

1)  Maybe we're getting twins next so we need extra calm before the crazy.  (And nothing makes me feel better about only having one than thinking about getting ready for twins in less than a week.  I mean, we have a small house and no car that could fit three car seats!  We'd actually really like twins...but maybe for #s 3 & 4 or 4 & 5.  But honestly...we're not going to turn them down at any point.)


3)  Maybe this next kid is so awesome we just can't handle it yet.  We need to build up to the awesome.



 7) This:

9)  I remind myself I can have a drink if I want...which you (mostly?) can't do pregnant. 

10)  This, but with my son:

11) I reread this and remember all the feelings from when we got Luke.  Mostly the complete trust in God and the wonderful feeling of contentment.


(All Bible quotes from Bible Gateway.  Other quotes from Pinterest but they didn't lead to any real source.)

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