Thursday, May 23, 2019

Spring Life Energy List

I was listening to The Next Right Thing podcast with Emily P. Freeman.  I don't know which episode it was but she suggested making a life energy list as you close out a season and begin a new one.

As we near the end of May, a big season that is coming to a close is the school year with summer looming.  Since I've been out of school myself, I've considered Memorial Day weekend to be the kick-off to summer.  Which is remains mostly true but my son is still* in school next week.

(*I say still as if I can't believe they are still in school at the end of May when really I wouldn't mind going a week or two into June if I got us most of August.  August weather is generally better than late May/early June anyways!  I'm writing this on a day it feels like 43° outside and wrapped in a blanket.  In May.  Please give me more of August.)

But I can't get past the "Memorial Day weekend" is the beginning of summer mindset and school next week is stuff like field day and something called "kindergarten splash day" so I'm not really expecting him to learn much of anything.  Either way, the school year is finishing up and summer is coming.  That is a pretty big change and makes it a good time to make a list.  I love a good list.

Emily P. Freeman prompts: What is relevant to my life right now?  Right now as I close the past season and look forward to the next, these are the things that are giving me a little more energy or cheerfulness to my day.

1) Getting to bed maybe before it's fully dark outside.

2) Drinking a full water bottle (22 ounces) before anything else in the morning.
3) Talking with Matt uninterrupted by kids.
4) Being out of the shower, dressed, and fully around before waking up the boys (this super rarely has happened as of late.)

5) Sunshine and clear skies all day.  Or at least the parts of the day I am walking outside my house.
6) Going on runs on the way to pick-up (this has only happened a couple times but I am hoping for a few more before the end of the school year!).
7) Leaving the house clean (clutter picked up) before going to bed.
8) Leaving the kitchen clean (dishes stacked, counters wiped) before going to school drop-off (this doesn't always happen).
9) Having good leftovers for lunch.
10) Not having to think about what I'm having for lunch.

11) When Luke eagerly plays outside after school.
12) Getting his homework and chores done before supper.
13) Acknowledging that I don't need something I thought I did and passing up spending money.
14) A good run (few and far between lately).
15) Getting my hands in dirt, as much as I resist starting.

16) Finishing up projects and clearing them from my mental (and sometimes physical) list.
17) The days I skip washing my hair.
18) Leftovers for supper.
19) Eating supper outside.
20) Taking the boys to do something fun without meeting up with anyone (meaning I could easily cancel but don't).

What has been giving you life in this season?  No matter if you have a school year finishing up or not, summer is (maybe slowly) coming for the US!

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