Thursday, April 14, 2022

22 in 2022 update

First quarter is done and in the books so it's time to see how productive I am with getting things done!  It's been a fairly good 1st quarter! 

Original 22 in 2022 List

Inside Home Things
1) Replace the boys' bedroom light (100%)
DONE.  We had a lot of store credit to Lowes so Matt picked up a light there and replaced it.  Their new light is SUPER low profile which means so risk of Luke hitting his head on it!  This was also the last original ceiling light in our house (original to when we bought our house).  

2) Replace Matt's office light (100%)
We found that the white ceiling fans we have in 3 other places downstairs were on clearance at Lowes so Matt bought two with the same store credit.  One went in his office, the other is a backup in case we need one (it was only $50).  DONE.

3) Hang art in our bedroom (100%)
Since we have so many frames on the wall from the travel wall project, I took down the 4 matching 8x10s that had hung at the bottom of the stairs for over 10 years.  They eventually got moved to our remaining empty wall in our bedroom and then I just had to buy some 8x10s to fill them!  I LOVE an under $5 solution.  And I think I can finally declare our room DONE.  It only took 5 years!

4) Do gallery wall over the buffet (25%)
I went a bit frame crazy when Target FINALLY put them on sale a few weeks ago.  I've played with the layout and I do have paper guides hanging up at the moment (where they've been hanging for a month...) but I think I'm going to tweak the layout a bit more.  I've returned some Target frames but I have more that will likely go back so I should finish this before their return window expires (although I've never actually had Target reject anything, they even took back still tagged uniform shorts Luke never wore, 4 years after I bought them).

5) Rotate front room rugs (100%)
Sam and I did one of these on our own and then Matt helped with the one we had to move the dining table for.  Took under 10 minutes to do both of them and now the most worn parts are hidden!

6) End Table (25%)
YOU ALL, IT IS STARTED.  It's slow moving BUT...IT. IS. STARTED.  This might actually be done before summer.

7) Rug for my office (5%)
I've online browsed but haven't bought anything yet.  I also have yet to measure the space...

Outside Home Things
8) Make a sandbox for the boys (0%)
Unless we count more digging Luke did in the mud.  This is a spring/summer project anyways.

9) Make another raised garden bed (0%)
Spring/summer project

10) Make rain gauge for the backyard (0%)
I've started thinking about what container I could use!  But that's as far as I've gotten. 

11) Make Mom's pot roast (100%)
I called my Mom purposefully to get the recipe for this the day before they disconnected their land line, the same phone number I learned in kindergarten.  That made me a tiny bit emotional (I haven't deleted the entry from my phone contacts yet).  Anyways, I made this, I think I added too much water and my boys didn't like it (eyeroll) but Matt & I thought it was good!  I bought a very big roast so we still have the other half in the freezer I should make before it's consistently warm (so I have awhile).

12) Buy from a local restaurant once a month (25%)
We've done this at least once a month so far!  And we often do even more of this come summer.  These have mostly been on our dates.  We've planned 2 family fun days that haven't really panned out with the chilly/rainy weather!  (Pictured is takeout from Mad Anthony's.)

13) Bake with yeast once a month (25%)
I've made babka, dinner rolls, and no-knead crescent rolls.  Much of the final two are still in the freezer...I think I overestimated how much bread we eat.  Or I need to find a kind Matt & the boys will snack on.

14) Celebrate a food holiday every month (25%)
We were very good about this in January or February but then lent hit which made many of the fun ones impossible with our commitments.  We did do one in March (sloppy joe day)...but 2 days late since that fell on a Friday.  We'll get back on the wagon after Easter.  (That's a picture from celebrating national crepe day AND national Nutella day, which were actually 2 days apart but too perfect not to combine.  It might be my personal favorite we celebrated.)

15) Finish 4 photobooks (2021, Sam, Luke, vacation) (25%)
This may have expanded to 6 but I'm not updating that number yet.  We received 2021 in the mail in February maybe and at the end of March and I had Sam's done besides a final edit and Luke just didn't his birthday/end of age compilation pages done.  I've stayed on top of these much better this year!

16) Make a fabric pendant for birthdays (100%)
DONE.  This will be coming to the blog in a couple weeks.

17) Go on 10 dates (33%)
We've done 3!  I was kinda planning to take June and December "off" but I am really struggling to figure out where we could fit one in April with spring break and Easter so April might be a month off.  But have 3 in!  (Picture from our date to Ophelia's, which was wonderful!)

18) Make tie-dye family shirts (0%)
I have it on my list for April to start figuring out where to get these printed before we tie-dye!  It's a late spring/early summer project to actually do.

Nagging Projects
19) Get a will made (0%)
Yeah...we're already 9 years behind, what a few more months?

20) Catch up photoing Luke's art by June 30th and keep books relatively updated (25%)
I am actually pretty caught up with the photographing, I would be all the way caught up except I found a whole binder filled with UNDATED art in his desk when we cleaned that out over spring break.  SO.  That's a bit stressful because now I have to figure out where it goes.  And I've just barely started his book.  Sam's is mostly caught up through 2021.  My current plan for Luke's is to get the art photographed by the end of April and then try to do one year of art in the book each month.  But I also have to sort it into years.  This is a very slow project but I HAVE made progress.

21) Recycle crayons & markers (0%)
Unless we are going to count putting these items in boxes as progress.

22) Project for Luke's school (1%)
I meant to research this over spring break but that just didn't happen.  I got in the smallest amount of research.  THE SMALLEST.

37% THIRTY SEVEN!  I don't know that I've ever been that much ahead!  Well, that makes me feel much better on the things I've made NO progress on!

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