Thursday, March 30, 2023

Things the Boys Like - March 2023 (Luke - 10, Sam - 5)

At the end of each quarter I take a pause from posting about the things I have been liking lately and post about what my boys have been into.  Sometimes these are repeats from month to month because kids can latch onto things (which can be good, I don't need to relearn all new stuff for them constantly). So here are some things the boys have been liking lately!

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1) Sneaky Sasquatch
If I could name one single favorite things of the boys from the last YEAR, it would be this game, even though they've only been playing it a few months.  We ended up with a free Apple TV box and got a free Apple Arcade subscription or something when we upgraded our phones last fall.  I have NO idea how Matt & the boys stumbled on this game since then but all three of them LOVE it (I have caught Matt playing it more than once after the boys are in bed).  It started with a Sasquatch who just stole people's food.  Now Sasquatch has wardrobe changes, a jet ski, and is running for mayor (as "Hank" because nobody would vote for "Sasquatch").  I do not understand this game at all, there is a whole thing they do where they steal food, sell it to a bear (who has money), use that money to buy scuba gear, and then clean up a dirty lake so people can swim in it again.  I do not get it. Sam can even play pretty well (from what I can tell) on his own!  There is a element of The Sims to it, in that they have to put Sasquatch to bed every night??  I really don't understand it but I don't have to because Matt does.'s the boys' screen time of choice and NOTHING has motivated Luke to fly through his after school routine like the inventive of getting to play some of this on a week night.  That alone is worth the zero dollars we have paid for this.  

2) Yahtzee
We've been playing Farkle with the boys for nearly a year now and it's one of Sam's favorites.  Matt made wooden sets for most of the boys' godparents for Christmas and when printing the scorecards, he found where he could put the Yahtzee scorecard on the back (which we then laminated and gifted with fine top dry erase markers).  We've played Yahtzee with Luke but it's been years so feels like an all new game!  We've been working it in with them and it's been great secret math work but also just fun.  Plus, we use our Farkle set for Yahtzee too so takes up absolutely no additional space!  Does take a bit of mental gymnastics though, even from adults, to go from Farkle to Yahtzee because you are looking for different things and scoring so differently!

3) Paw Patrol
Sam continues to be on a Paw Patrol kick and laments when we don't have any DVDs from the library.  He would pick Sasquatch for nearly all of his allowed screentime but I try to limit that to some extent since I find it much easier to have them turn off the tv when almost anything else is on.  One of Sam's requested birthday presents was Paw Patrol: The Movie on DVD, which we got him and then all watched together for movie night (Luke even declared it "not terrible").  

4) Harry Potter
Luke recently turned 9¾ (well, not that recently because he has also turned 10) and I decided that 9¾ is when I would start reading Harry Potter with him.  I had bought the illustrated book months earlier and gave him a Harry Potter ornament for Christmas that I had been hoarding for about 4 years.  We dove in and he LOVED it.  You all, those are long chapters, taking up to 30 minutes to read each one aloud (we sometimes broke them into two parts) but it has been a DELIGHT of these last few months to share the story with him.  And so helpful to have a chapter book going with him on busy wrestling nights when I could read to him after Sam was in bed.  It took us a full month to read #1 and we are now a few chapters into #2.  He got illustrated Prisoner of Azkaban for his birthday (and a golden snitch fidget spinner...).  I don't expect to read all the way through to book #7 within a year (those books just keep getting longer!), with harder topics to tackle.  I don't know, we'll see.  We watched the first movie with both boys (although we had expected Sam to sleep through it...he didn't).  I really enjoyed Harry Potter when my sister got me to start reading them nearly 20 years ago and I'm just loving sharing them with Luke. 

5) Big Nate
When Luke is reading to himself, these are some of his favorites (along with Dogman and Diary of a Wimpy Kid).  I don't read them?  Should I???  I once thought I would preread nearly all of my kid's books to a certain age...but I didn't ever really.  Well, Luke likes these and they keep him up reading too late which is something I am also prone to do.  So whatever keeps him reading right now!

That's it!  A few things the boys have been liking lately.  It's always interesting (to me) to see how their tastes and feelings change about things over time!

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