Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Adoption FAQ: Saying the right thing

I've seen various "what not to say to a pregnant lady" lists on Facebook and Pinterest.  Some are good points, some I sort of roll my eyes at.  I found a similar list for adoptive parents (What Not to Say to an Adoptive Parent) and had pretty much the same reaction.  Some are good points, some I rolled my eyes at.  I have gotten a lot more sensitive to comments from people and in movies, tv shows, etc.  I know I am being a little overly sensitive and most people don't mean anything by it, same as if I were to accidentally say something all those pregnant ladies find offensive.  Most people are very careful about what they say to us.  Two examples I've come across lately in pop culture (or 9 months ago, whatever).

1) The Office
I've been watching The Office while I workout in the mornings.  Yesterday I watched this exchange:

Pam Oscar thinks having a dog is just like having a baby.
Angela NEWSFLASH! If you didn't carry it around in your belly for nine months, it isn't your kid!
Pam Exactly. Unless you're adopted of course.
Angela That is where we disagree.

I wasn't offended; I just noticed it and probably wouldn't have remembered that part if we weren't adopting.

2) Avengers

We saw Avengers twice at the drive-in and own the DVD.  There was a joke in there about adoption.  And I laughed.  Then immediately wondered if I should have laughed about it.  I'm not sure.  I saw this article on MSN shortly after the movie came out: Was 'Avengers' joke cruel to adoption community?  (spoilers for the movie). 

I do think people can be way too sensitive about things but, seeing as we're going through this and I have the same concerns, it makes me think.  But when we saw the movie a second time and I still laughed at that line.