1. Merona Satchel
Matt got me this purse for Christmas. Which means I picked it out, told Matt I wanted to show to him a purse I was looking at, and he told me to buy it. In his defense...purses aren't his thing. I've been wanting a satchel style purse for years and finally found one. Yay! And it's blue which means I extra like it.
2. Mossimo glitter clutch
Sticking with a purse theme...my BIL (brother-in-law), Craig, got me this clutch in our Christmas exchange which means my sister, Jen, actually bought it because few guys will buy something that sparkley, especially a purse. So far I've only looked at it but I am very excited to use it. I like sparkles.
3. Sorel Snowlion boots
Two years ago we got a lot of snow and Matt & I decided I needed better snowboots than my fake Uggs. I bought these at the end of the season and, with little snow last winter, I didn't get to use them until after Christmas this year (other than wearing around the house because they keep my feet warm). They are super, incredibly warm. Like my feet sweat after 15 minutes of shoveling. I will certainly take that over freezing cold feet. Plus, I just like them.
4. Paris My Sweet
I kinda went through a Paris kick last year. Going to Paris definitely influenced that. I read quite a few Paris books and might be trying to talk Matt into going back someday. Some day in the distant future. The author of this book moved to Paris for work for about 2 years. She write about all these wonderful treats she found over there. I now want to go to Paris just to eat. If that doesn't happen I need to up my baking.
5. Nordic popcorn bowl
I can't take credit for finding this one, my sister, Kat, got one for Christmas and then we bought one too when I discovered them at Target for $9. You put popcorn kernels in, put it in the microwave, and about 2 minutes later have healthy, popped popcorn! It doesn't seem like it should work, but it does! We had a little spray oil after so our ranch salt will stick but that's it. Gobs healthier than microwave and the bowl was so cheap it'll pay for itself fairly fast. Plus you can make as much as or little as you want. We just tried it for the first time yesterday and I think Matt's had popcorn 3 times already since. Our new go-to healthy(ish) snack.