Friday, July 5, 2013

From being an accountant to a stay at home MOM

I spent 7 1/2 years working full-time between college and my semi-retirement last December.  I never expected, or wanted to, work that long but I look back on it somewhat fondly.  Maybe it's just the double income but there were still a lot of happy times in those pre-baby years.  And even working wasn't horrible.  I didn't love my job but it helped us do a lot of things (take 12 vacations in 7 years, buy jet skis, pay off our mortgage).  And I do think it was really good for me.  It was probably bound to happen anyways, but I did a lot of growing up in those 7ish years.  I'm not nearly the same person I was when I sobbed before my first interview ~4 weeks out of college.  Heck, I even cried on my last day when I was leaving, for completely different reasons.  It helped me overcome a lot of my shyness by forcing me to talk to clients, often telling people twice my age what to do.  I interacted with all kinds of people I never would have otherwise.  I learned more than I ever wanted to know about the tax code and tax forms.  And general business running and bookkeeping.  I had increased confidence and work ethic.  It was a good experience.

But this new one is even better. =)

It's been almost 3 months since we became parents.  And it's certainly life changing but I can't say everything is different.  In fact, sometimes I am amazed at how little has changed.  We both love this little guy more than just about anything...but we're still the same people that we were when we left for New York (just with less tears over baby commercials and such - that's me).  Nothing and everything changed at the same time.

It helps that Luke is pretty easy.  Sure, I spend a good part of my day playing/feeding/changing/etc. him.  And he can be frustrating on days he really won't nap but those days I just remember all the frustrations I had at my old job and realize how lucky I am to be able to stay home with him. 

Even with caring for an infant I feel like I have much more time now that I am mostly home.  With this new "job" it's easy to squeeze in laundry loads between taking care of Luke.  Doing things like baking breads and cleaning the house are also easier because I am home for all the the waiting periods. 
Luke really likes sitting up
For instance, on Wednesday we went to the drive-in which meant leaving home around 6:30.  If I was still a full-time accountant this would have left me about an hour at home between work and leaving again, which isn't much time to get anything done, especially after a long day at work.  Since I was home with Luke most of the day though (we did take a walk!) I was able to wash, fold, and put away his laundry; wash diapers; bake hamburger buns; (and write most of this blog post).  All things that don't take a lot of hands on time but wouldn't be possible if I only had an hour at home.

So life is different now but in mostly good ways.  Instead of dressing up every day for work I get to spend my time in comfy clothes.  If I wear anything besides my workout pants or soffes, PJs, or workout clothes...I am dressing up.   I saw this on Facebook the other day:

And it made me laugh a lot.  It's true.  Not only do I not usually change, but I will continue to wear the same workout pants for the next few days (if I switched pairs he'd likely just spit up on those too).  I will change my clothes for pee though.  That's a different story.

I'm constantly on call for a baby waking up or needing me but that's kinda the best.  It's what we've been waiting for for years and I certainly wouldn't trade time with him for our former dual incomes and my professional life.  I feel very lucky that I get to stay home with him and consantly thank Matt for going off to work every day so I can do this.

P.S.  I also saw this on Pinterest this week which also made me laugh.  Pretty much how every family meal at my parents has gone ever.  12 simultaneous conversations with 8 people?  Just a normal family supper growing up. =)


Lauren said...

Great post! I only worked for about 5 years, and only 2 of those were double-income married years, but I still felt extremely weird when I started staying at home to take care of Norah!!! I felt like I was on a perpetual weekend. I am SO with you on the spit up too, although it depends on how big of a spitup it was, and/or if it is more of a "solid" spitup than a "liquid". Haha. Or I might wait until it gets spitup on 2-3 times, then change :)

diana said...

It does feel like a constant weekend! Except then the actual weekends are better because Matt is home too!!

We haven't gotten to really gross spitups yet...maybe once he's on food... Too much laundry if I changed every time he spit up!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this. I have never worked so I often wonder what it would have been like.

I never change my clothes either...

diana said...

It's very nice/strange getting to stay home every day after spending so many years working. I love it! (most of the time).

Unknown said...

You wrote too much for July! I am so far behind! but I laughed at the bottom family dinner conversation one! Because it is so true!

diana said...

E - sorry, I'm trying to post more consistently!

Yes! soooooo true!!