Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Winter Life Energy List

Winter was, calendar wise, over last week.  But, as everyone knows, life has been weird lately and so I'm just now writing this post.

Winter felt very long, when I think back to December, January, it feels VERY long ago and VERY different from how life is right now!  But there were some things that gave me energy through most of this time!  Winter is a tough season to find energy, with so much darkness and not leaving the house as much, but there was still a lot of good in it!  Here are some things that gave me energy and made the season a little more bearable.

-These chocolate butter cookies from Aldi
-Figuring out my sitters until spring break back in January, even if they didn't all happen at the end
-Letting myself eat microwave meals once a week when figuring out lunch just felt too hard

-Getting up WAY before the boys, with enough time to do a full workout and shower before they needed to get up.
-Those mornings when Matt went in late enough (...7am) that he could wake up the boys and get them started on breakfast before he left.
-Rare days we could walk to school pick-up
-Leaving the house earlier than necessary for driving to school pick-up so I didn't feel as rushed

-Leaving the Christmas lights up and turning on through February
-Being proactive about scheduling dates so we can make our goal for the year
-Not watching tv every night once the boys were in bed.
-Asking for help and expecting everyone who lives here to pitch in
-Speaking up when I don't like how the mail is addressed (this project was put on hold for Corona but I have a couple places I will be calling when life is back to normal to correct!)

-Sam finally sitting still for books and wanting stacks of them all the time.
-Putting my phone on top of the fridge once we got home from school so I wasn't distracted by it when the boys were both awake and home.
-Taking care of myself by scheduling doctor appointments when necessary

-Pretty much every single thing that Sam says
-When we started to get daylight again for the morning school run

I've been doing one of these for each season but I think this Corona Quarantine is going to require it's own in a couple weeks, life is weird and constantly changing but looking back on things that gave me energy over the past couple months gave me hope that someday we will be back to normal.  Thinking positive!

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