Friday, July 31, 2020

Things I Like - July

My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate links sprinkled in.  Thanks for helping support the blog! =)  See more here!

1) Hamilton on Disney+
I know, I'm super original here.  But I love a good musical and I like history and I even got Matt to watch this with me (he was less enthused but did tolerate it). I had been hearing about it for years, almost entirely on the internet from people I've never met in real life, so I knew it was a phenomenon.  We've been to NYC twice since it's been playing there but never tried to get tickets  (something about having kids along and Matt not caring for musicals and tickets are EXPENSIVE).  Although we did eat pizza at a place across the street from the theater!  And I remember thinking at the time, that is where Hamilton is and people are crazy about it.  We were across the street from the Room where it Happens (Hamilton reference!).  I've bought a few of the songs and I know I'll watch it again; it's a lot to take in at once.  I thoroughly enjoyed my introduction to it.

2) Gap Underwear
Underwear has long been a trouble spot for me.  There was a time I had 60+ pairs (I KNOW) but the past 2 years has not been that time.  I heard good reviews on this Gap underwear and, in desperation, tried it out.  And it's great.  I got some cute patterns and I got them on sale so the price wasn't bad.  I REALLY appreciate having more comfortable underwear. 

3) Knives Out
I'm just full of super original ideas here!  We had been hearing good things about this movie for awhile and now it's on Amazon Prime so we watched it and it was good!  I thought I had heard it was a funny movie.  It was not particularly that but it was enjoyable and fun and I didn't figure out the whole murder mystery until it was resolved on screen.  We both enjoyed this one!  Definitely worth the zero dollars we paid for it.

4) Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Night Cream Renewal
I've had to switch out a lot of my make-up and face products in the past 2 months after going through an allergy test at the dermatologist and finding that a lot of what I was using was causing allergic reactions on my face.  It wasn't fun having a back filled with stickers for 3 days but at least it gave me some answers on why my skin was reacting so poorly.  This is maybe my favorite of all the replacement products I've bought.  It's super thick and feels so nice to put on.  I feel very luxurious every night.  Now I just need to find replacements for a bunch more things too but this one has been a winner.  EVEN if it says it's for "mature skin" meaning I'm not sure I fit still in my 30s.

5) Blush Pink Laundry Basket
Most of our laundry baskets were a hand me down from Matt's Mom when we got married...14 years ago.  A few have been repurposed for toy storage in the garage but the ones that remained in the house have gotten pretty abused in all that time.  I finally bought some new ones and do you know how much nicer it is to carry around laundry baskets that AREN'T broken???  SO MUCH NICER.  I don't know why I didn't do this years ago.  I especially like this pink one because it's pretty.  I've never really minded laundry before and now I get some pretty baskets too!  And it was about $10 to replace them, seriously, why couldn't I have done that years ago???

Those are a few things I've been liking lately, what about you??  Although we've been doing quite a bit of shopping so maybe I don't need recommendations...

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