Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas Picture Book Flights - The Nativity Story

First off, apologies to anyone who is stressed out seeing a book list 3 days before Christmas, I intend no stress.   That's why these are all based around the Nativity!  We fully embrace the "12 days of Christmas" after Christmas and I will keep reading Christmas books (of any variety) to my boys as our last holds trickle in from the library (except that one that I am #8 on the list for, with one copy ordered and not yet in circulation.  But maybe I should keep my hold so I'll get it by next December??).  While others might be obsessively tracking final shipments, I'm watching my library holds a little closer than usual.  Especially with timing pickups around library closures this week!

Anyways, we read A LOT of Nativity stories in December and I especially appreciate the ones that tell it from different perspectives although I have read dozens of the traditional paraphrasing of the Bible story.  There's a few of each here!

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Nighty Night, Baby Jesus
by Molly Schaar Idle

Hands down, one of Sam's favorites this December.  Told in rhyme through all the animals in the stable examining and reacting to the baby Jesus.  Sam especially likes the ox.  Fantastic pictures.  I will probably buy this from Thriftbooks soon.

The Little Shepherd Girl: A Christmas Story by Juliann Henry, illustrated by Jim Madsen
According to this book, shepherd girls were very common in Jesus' time and there is a country that traditionally includes both boy and girl shepherd figures in sets.  I like that!  This shepherd girl desperately wants to be a shepherd like her cousins and is finally allowed on the night of Jesus' birth.  Then she shows up all the boys by beating them to the stable, with the sheep in tow too (I'm not sure that was the point but I appreciate the girl power message).  

The Gifts They Gave by Patricia Reeder Eubank
This tells of the gifts the animals all gave baby Jesus, which is very similar to the play kindergarteners do at Luke's school (thanks to my sister for pointing this out!).  It's very sweet.

There was No Snow on Christmas Eve by Pamela Munoz Ryan, illustrated by Dennis Nolan
This is Sam's other heavy favorite this year.  I appreciate that it has minimal words which is key when reading to a two year old!  It doesn't rhyme and I always feel like it should but does point out how Jesus' Christmas birth was very different from how many of us celebrate now.   

The Little Drummer Mouse by Mercer Mayer
This mouse was always teased by his many siblings for wanting to be a drummer but then his drumming pays off when he has a gift to give the baby Jesus.  

Small Camel Follows the Star by Rachel W. N. Brown, illustrated by Giuliano Ferri
Small Camel can't carry people but he can accompany his mother along with the Magi on their journey to find the baby Jesus.  And he can carry a special gift for the Baby.  

Mary's Little Donkey by Gunhild Sehlin, illustrated by Helene Muller
This donkey wasn't good for much and didn't get any work.  He needed some care and someone to take care of him.  Mary found him to be the perfect donkey to help her carry water and to take on their journey to Bethlehem. 

'Twas the Evening of Christmas by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Elena Selivanova
One of my absolutely favorite Christmas books and one I have gifted many times.  Told in the rhythm of the classic "Night before Christmas" poem but about Jesus' birth.  I LOVE this one.  

This is only a brief sampling, if you have anyone more good ones, let me know!