Halloween is not my favorite. I've gone on the record about that many times. Obviously, Christmas is the superior holiday and I start really prepping for it on November 1st (although I started buying the occasional gift months ago). Really, Halloween is something that must be gotten through to get to the REAL holiday season (Thanksgiving - New Years is near perfection).
BUT, I've come around quite a bit on most part of Halloween. I still find trick-or-treating a bit strange but people seem to like handing out candy to hoards of kids and there's such a lovely, energetic attitude in the neighborhoods on that night. I do still FIRMLY believe that trick-or-treating hours should ALWAYS be on a weekend, or even a Sunday afternoon, because doing that on a school night is BONKERS. This year is a Monday which is extra crazy. I have A LOT of days to work off that sugar high.
Anyways, picture books are part of what made me come around on Halloween. October is usually at least 75% gorgeous outside still, chillier but comfortable to be outside. My running has slowed down so I get more time at home (which I always love) and we have built up a reliable rotation of picture books that we enjoy reading and rereading all month long. I cannot overstate enough how much our dedication to picture books has changed our family's dynamic. So many hours I've spent reading to the boys, so many moods settled, things learned, and holidays celebrated. I love pulling out so many of the same books yea after year.
In that spirit, I have also decided that ghosts are my favorite "character" of Halloween. Maybe because they are usually drawn so cute? Or they just get the best books? They have an easy costume (sheet!). I don't know, but they are my favorite. So here are some Ghost Halloween picture books we've enjoyed!
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1) Ghost in the House by Ammi-Joan Paquette, illustrated by Adam Record
We have read this one so many times that I largely have it memorized. A really easy rhythm about a ghost in the house, a monster, a witch, a mummy. All these creatures are sneaking through the house until they find a boy and then the creatures flee in terror. Especially great for kids who might be scared of certain creatures but also just cute for the rest of us (we own this one).
2) Teeny Tiny Ghost by Rachel Matson, illustrated by Joey Chou
There is a Teeny Tiny Ghost who lives in a teeny tiny barn but his boo is so quiet it doesn't scare anyone. This is a board book and somehow one we started reading in September this year. It is very cute (I just bought it from Thriftbooks).
3) Sir Simon: Super Scarer by Cale Atkinson
My boys LOVE this one so we read it a lot, even though all the text bubbles aren't my favorite. Sir Simon is a ghost who is assigned a new house. He's super excited because it appears to just be an old lady and they are the BEST because they scare easily so not much work required. But then there is a kid. A very curious little kid who wants to learn all about the business of being a ghost. It's a very cute story, text bubbles just aren't my favorite way to read a book.
4) The Ghosts Go Marching by Claudia H. Boldt
This is in the format of "The Ants go Marching" buy with ghosts on Halloween. Good counting practice for Sam (it is a board book) and just cute. (We own this one too.)
5) The Little Ghost Who Lost Her Boo! by Elaine Bickell, illustrated by Raymond McGrath
This little Ghost has lost her boo! She goes out on a scary night to being scary but she can't find her boo. Rhyming (I don't need all my books to rhyme but I do appreciate ones that do!). Will she ever find her Boo?
6) Gustavo, the Shy Ghost by Flavia Z. Drago
This is a Day of the Dead, not Halloween book, about a ghost named Gustavo who is very good at many ghostly things like walking through walls and glowing in the dark (important ghost skills) but isn't so good at being around other ghosts or monsters. How will he make someone notice him so he has someone to celebrate with?
7) Ghost Afraid of the Dark by Sara Conway, illustrated by Alex Willmore
What do you do if you are a ghost who is afraid of the dark?? Are ghosts even allowed to be afraid of the dark?? All ghost activities seem to happen after dark! Especially aimed at kids who are afraid of the dark (I can't say I'm super fond of it myself) but great for all kids!
8) The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt by Riel Nason, illustrated by Byron Eggenschwiler
Ghosts are supposed to be from sheets. Everyone knows that. But this ghost is a quilt ghost. Who has ever heard of a ghost being a quilt??? He can't whirl or twirl and being a quilt is very warm. His parents are both quilts but his grandmother was a lace tablecloth (this detail cracks me up) but still doesn't explain the quilt (quilts are the opposite of lace table clothes, in terms of fabric).
9) How to Make Friends with a Ghost by Rebecca Green
What would you do if you encountered a ghost? Would you befriend it? Try to feed it it's favorite snack? Make sure nobody thinks it's whipped cream? Pretty sure that last one is unique to befriending ghosts but many of these tips apply to kids making new friends too. All in the context of a ghost friendship!
Happy ghostly reading!