Thursday, October 27, 2022

Things I Like - October 2022

I always enjoy hearing what works for other people and I like sharing things I like, it's part of the reason I have a blog.  I've been doing these monthly posts for 9 years and they also provide a nice little snapshot in my life at a moment in time! See more here!  Some affiliate links may be included!


1) OJEY Apparel T-shirt
This was a birthday gift that I picked out myself and have worn it quite a bit since!  I have this "Explore More" style, but, of course, in the "deep teal" color that is so close to my beloved sweatshirt.  It's comfy and I appreciate wearing crew necks when out and about with the boys since there is so much leaning down involved in parenting, especially the 4 year old.  I would say they run small but maybe they just run more fitted when I was looking for a looser fit, more like a regular t-shirt.  BUT...this is still fitted without being tight at all in my usual size which makes it slightly less casual than the t-shirts I got used to wearing during lockdown.  It's become one of my go-to shirts!

2) Meyer Market Designs Saint Stickers
I found these when my sister bought a set and cut them up as stocking stuffers (or Easter basket stuffers?) for the nieces/nephews.  Then I went and bought my own sheets because I wanted one too!  The saint in the top left of this picture is supposedly St. Agnes but I think she looks like St. Maria Goretti, my patron saint, so she is on my water bottle.  The boys have each picked a few and I'm going to cut up some for one of our goddaughters for Christmas.  Just really cute and nice to have a saint on the water bottles!

3) Essie Transcend the Trend nail polish
I have realized that I am a sucker for any blue shade of nail polish, especially any blue/green shade.  So of course I bought this and it's on my nails right now!  I rarely go more than a few hours between painting my nails and I've been heavily gravitating towards blues, usually two different shades at once.  This has been in heavy rotation since I received it!

4) Veken Packing Cubes
I have heard the praises of these sung all over the internet and finally took the plunge since we were going to fly for the first time in 4 years and sharing one checked bag between the 4 of us.  (That trip was this past weekend to San Antonio, more to come...eventually).  These packing cubes worked PERFECTLY in that Sam got the smallest and up in size order from there.  The boys and I each had a separate bag for socks/underwear (ones I've been using for years for that purpose) and, since Matt was attending a conference and had to dress up, he did have a few items of clothes that didn't fit in his.  BUT otherwise...these kept our suitcase so much more organized!  And since our hotel didn't have any sort of dresser for unpacking, it was easy to each keep our clothes in these and keep it all straight!  I'll have to see how useful they might be on a non-flying trip (when we use more duffel bags than our 1 good piece of luggage) but even just having them for this trip was worthwhile.  And we'll fly again some day!  (Also, every time I saw the brand name I thought of Vecna from Stranger Things, which we had just finished watching before the trip.)

5) Ello 10 pc Food Storage
We've been slowly transitioning away from many of the plastic container we've used for food storage for years, mostly ones that came holding other food (like how Matt used to buy cold meat) and then have stuck around for years, holding shredded cheese and such.  We are, by no means, a plastic free home but we are always trying to reduce our single use plastic, and even though we had many plastic containers for YEARS...there's always stuff in the news about plastic leeching into food and so we've steered more towards buying glass recently.  And we still use Pyrex that I got in college and we got as wedding gifts!  Just needed a few more.  I love the color on these and there has almost constantly been one in the fridge being used since I bought them.  They also prompted me to reorganize a cupboard to fit them in which led to finding more things to get rid of!  Always a plus!

What have YOU been liking lately?

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