Wednesday, July 3, 2024

24 in 2024 - 2nd quarter update

We're halfway through Summer break AND halfway through the year!  Really, summer break hasn't flown by but I think we've been packing in memories as we can which helps it seem longer.  And the year as a whole probably feels extra long because of Matt's school.  Rather mixed feelings with that being over (yay!) but mixed with how much time will have passed (boo!).  But the boys and I have been making the most of the summer and Matt's been able to do some big trips with us.  I haven't been the most productive with my list though I believe, although I have knocked out a few!

Original 24 in 2024 list
1st quarter update

Inside Home Things
1) Paint kitchen cabinets (0%)
No new progress...I maintain that I need Matt to figure out the hinges before I can really move forward so I know if I'm covering the visible holes from those...but he has no time...maybe over his semester break we can get to this.

2) Replace kitchen cabinet hardware (0%)
Ditto to above.

3) Make a gallery wall over the couch (100%)
Finished in the 1st quarter although I still should use the museum wax stuff (borrowed from my sister) to keep them straight.

4) Hang pictures of MIL (100%)
Just had a fill the second frame to finish this and I pulled one from Matt's childhood album.

Outside Things
5) Plant Dahlias (100%)
Will they grow???  Who knows.  But I did plant them for the second year!

6) Run outside every month of the year (50%)
The iffy months on this were January and February.  Now I'm running often but still feels good to check this off with my first run of the month!

Nagging Tasks
7) Finish our will (5%)
I have thought about finishing reading it...

8) Buy cemetery plots (100%)
We did this in April I think.  Makes for a super cheery date.  But it's done!

9) Get a dumb phone for home (100%)
Got this in the last week of June.  The boys have a very dumb phone that is just supposed to be for getting a hold of us (or another responsible adult) when they are home alone.  However...they can't seem to stop messing with it.  They like texting me "hi".  So a lot of conversations about that already...

10) Sell a Lego Millennium Falcon (0%)
I think this will be a "after school starts" project in the burst of "I have a lot of free time" energy.

11) Try a new chicken recipe every month (50%)
Have done this every month AND found a few we've really liked, enough to add to our usual rotation!

12) Make a standard fall/winter and spring/summer menu plan with grocery list (25%)
I've been working on our spring/summer one and I need ONE MORE chicken recipe to finish it out.  So maybe July's new recipe will be the keeper???  That would be helpful.

13) Host 6 Cookouts (33%)
Between Matt's school load and the weather...not as far along with this as I would have liked.  Hope to get these done!  We still have time!

Fun Things
14) Go on 10 dates (50%)
Were very consistent on once a month until June.  Matt hasn't been able to get much time off in the summer and with his school load, it's hard to fit in after work.  But he has a lot of days off once school starts so we'll get caught back up then. 

15) Eat local once a month (50%)
Yes, have hit this every month!  

16) Finish 4 photobooks (2023, Luke, Sam, summer 2024 vacation) (75%)
All of them finished and in our possession other than for our vacation we have yet to even take.  I even have our annual book and Sam's current book caught up to early June!

17) Go to the Farmers Market 6 times (50%)
We've gone three times!  We being Sam & I.  Luke may have gone once.  Feeling good about this.  

18) Get really good at family games we own but rarely play (1/month) (42%)
We missed in May and still need to make that one up but it's been fun to play some new ones with the boys even though they are VERY resistant in the beginning. 

Helpful items
19) Buy a grey sweater (to keep) (0%)
Fall thing.

20) Dye a dress (15%)
I finally picked a color and bought all the dye.  Now I just need to do it.  And figure out how to do it first.  Hopefully this month.

21) Figure out how to use Gmail better (clear-up inboxes) (0%)
This is also falling in the "when I have a lot of new free time energy" after school starts.

22) Fix tags (0%)
And this one too.

23) Art books (5%)
I have worked on sorting some already photographed pictures!  It's something!

24) Make a step on green project at school (10%)
Nope.  I tried in the spring but nothing came of it.  Need to make some plans for the new school year.  

40%! Still behind for the year...but same amount behind as at end of 1st quarter! Need to figure out a few of these I can work on over the summer still!