Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Reading Recap - October 2024

October was my most productive reading month of the year so far which felt good to keep up with my goal.  Part of it was finishing a lot of books with my younger son and also knocking through some quicker reads to get them off my TBR or back to the library.  Sometimes it just feel good to get through a stack.  

I'm very active on Goodreads here, somewhat active on Instagram here, and linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy on the 15th! 

Other book post this month:

 {9} Boo Books

Now what I've read...

Given Our History by Kristyn J. Miller

College set, perfect for a fall read.  Former flames get thrown back together in a professional environment.  They are forced to work together.  Sparks fly.  I feel like this is at least the 3rd version of this story I've read this year but this one was seasonable and enjoyable.  3.5 Stars

The Marching Band Nerds Handbook: Rules from the 13th Chair Trombone Player by DJ Corchin
This was a very quick read but humous little "rules" relating to marching band.  Marching band was a huge part of my high school experience and this brought back a lot of those memories.  Perfectly fun to read in October. 3.5 Stars

Harry Potter: A Magical Year by J.K. Rowling, illustrations by Jim Kay
This had lingered on my TBR for quite awhile but I finally checked it out and read it in a couple days, doing about a quarter each day.  It has a Harry Potter quote, from the original 7 books, for each day of the year, a lot tied to characters' birthdays or events like the TriWizard Tournament or whatever.  Some funny, some thoughtful.  4 Stars

Freely and Lightly: God's Gracious Invitation to a Life of Quiet Confidence by Emily Lex
Beautiful water colors and the invitation to do more resting by living a little lighter.  I don't remember anything real specific about it besides the pictures but it was soothing to read.  3.75 Stars

Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty
This was a long book, 500ish pages and it took a bit to get going.  About a woman who has an "episode" on a plane and goes around telling other passengers at what age and how they will all die.  Finding out you are supposed to die in your 90s is very different from finding out you are going to die at 32, when you turn 32 next month.  Some of the passengers stay in contact after the flight and then they start to find some of the predictions come true which sends everyone into a frenzy.  How did she know all of this???  Keeps up with a few passengers in particular.  Could have been a little shorter but at this length the ending really felt earned.  3.5 Stars

Nothing Like the Movies by Lynn Painter
I know I really liked the first book in this set but remembered NOTHING about the plot.  This is a follow-up with the same characters but I had to google what the heck their backstory was.  Former couple, gets torn apart right before college.  Later thrown back together and she hates him for leaving her.  They, spoiler, eventually get along.  I don't think it was quite as charming as the first.  Or I just have less patience for YA now. 3 Stars

Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout
A follow up to Olive Kitteridge which I read last year and liked.  These are more interrelated short stories where Olive frequently pops up but sometimes just barely and other times she's the focus.  Set in Maine which makes me already like it more.  More literary that most of what I read but nice to try different sorts of books.  Really felt for Olive at different points in her life, despite her gruff exterior.  3.75 Stars

It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey
There was a lot I like about this book.  The cover is blue and I like lighthouses.  The Pacific Northwest setting was a lot of fun and the overall storyline was good enough.  It was one of the most open door books I've read though and I was not expecting that.  Like...I was in shock a few times??  And it was a bit cheesy at time.  Maybe I've been married too long that I'm cynical about this "instantly falling in love" stuff.  It's harder than that you people!  2.75 Stars

The Opt-Out Family: How to Give Your Kids What Technology Can't by Erin Loechner
This was one of the best books I've read this year and one I think nearly every parent should read, especially if you have young kids at home.  Young being any kids at home, really.  The importance of keeping our kids safe when they are on screens, all the negatives of having kids on screens, and the benefits of a life outside of screens.  This has been heavy on my mind lately, especially since our older son now has a computer he brings home from school every day now for schoolwork.  Just wonderful, empowering, and worthwhile.  Read it if you have kids.  5 Stars

Queens of London by Heather Webb
This was not what I was expecting.  It was about a few females in London between the World Wars.  A head of a crime gang, the policewoman chasing them, a shopkeeper who gets caught up in it, and a young orphans who desperately needs a loving adult in her life.  It's not lifestyles or a time I've read a lot about and I appreciated the varying perspectives.  Interesting and captivating enough.  3.5 Stars

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory by Matthew Kelly
This was a recommended book by our church that we got for free.  I read it over 33 days and it started a little dry but the last 80% was much better than the start.  I especially liked the parts about various saints, I learned many things I hadn't known before so that was nice.  A good reflection book to read for about a month.  4.5 Stars

The PLAN: Manage Your Time Like a Lazy Genius by Kenda Adachi
I read about 40% of this book while in line to early vote in late October, that's how long my line was.  Standing to read isn't super comfortable so maybe it would have been more appreciated if I had been at home and not partially paying attention to the line as well.  I've been listening to The Lazy Genius podcast for 6ish years now and have read all her books.  I liked A LOT of what she's had to say about time management, expectations, finding what matters, etc.  But also there were A LOT of acronyms in this book which made it nearly impossible to remember them all.  But would also be worthwhile to revisit at some point. 4 Stars

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks
I've read this Halloween set graphic novel every Halloween for 6 years now or something.  It's so perfectly seasonal and always bring a little bit of quiet to a day that doesn't have much of it. 4.5 Stars

Verity by Colleen Hoover
This was our book club read-along for October and it was a RIDE.  Good golly...a lot of twists happened in this book.  It was my first Colleen Hoover book and it didn't super make me want to read another of hers but also not super opposed to it either.  Just...wow.  A LOT happened.  Those people were...something.  But good suspense read for October. 3.5 Stars

Finished with Sam and/or Luke
I've been reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with L for over 4 months now...

The Terrible Two by Mac Barnett & Jory John, illustrated by Kevin Cornell
Read to Sam and probably was a little old for him (he said his teacher read the first chapter to them at school and then switched to a different book) but Sam found the tales of grade school kids (maybe 5th grade) trying to be the school prankster pretty funny.  3 Stars

Fabio the World's Greatest Flamingo Detective: Peril at Lizard Lake by Laura James
Sam & I finished this trilogy and he really loved all three of them.  I don't read a lot of mysteries but these felt like the drama of stereotypical mystery book.  They are charming enough and a fun series to read with him.  3.75 Stars

Crimson Twill: Witch in the City, Witch in the Country by Kallie George, illustrated by Birgitta Sif
This were some lightly Halloween themed books to read with Sam.  This is the same author of the Heartwood Hotel books which were the first chapter books I read to each of the boys so we have a fondness for her writing.  Nice read alouds for October with no scares in them.  3.5 Stars

The Best Halloween Ever by Barbara Robinson
We've now read this 6 years in a row so apparently it's a tradition.  The Best Christmas Pageant ever is a perfect chapter book and this one isn't quite as good but I think I like it more every time we read it.  It captures perfectly the feelings kids have around Halloween.  4 Stars

That's all I read in October.  What have YOU been reading??