It's mid-December and life is full crazy. I thought November was busy and then...December happened. Luke really started basketball practice in November so that has made the schedule a little busier but (mostly) not terrible. Matt is still trying to finish up school. Getting so close but, man, this final crunch coming right in the middle of December is...not great. But November had Thanksgiving and mostly beautiful weather. We had a long, mild fall with lots of nice days. That was great! And Matt finished his clinical hours. That was also exciting. There is always something good!
Looking back:
1 year ago: Travel: Cocoa Beach, Florida (2023 me was more together)
2 years ago: Christmas Picture Books - Saints
3 years ago: {12} Cozy December Reads for Grown-Ups
4 years ago: {10} Item Christmas Gift List (2020 me was also more together)
5 years ago: Fall Life Energy List
6 years ago: Viva Las Vegas! (Only a month after we went?!?!? Was every previous me more on top of things??)
7 years ago: {25} Christmas Picture Books
8 years ago: Refinishing the Porch Floor
9 years ago: 4 Ingredient Home-Style Potato Soup (I just made a version of this today! But added carrots and some chopped ham from the freezer)
10 years ago: Helpful Hints: Make New Candles and Get Rid of the Old (I still do this every January)
11 years ago: Christmas treats: Jam Filled Butter Cookies
13 years ago: Kitchen project
15 years ago: On Vacation!
1) My blue morning glories, true to form, only showed up late in the season. But then they were fairly regular!
2) Early November, beautiful weather outside!
3) See, blue morning glories!
4) My dahlias still going too!
5) A beautiful backyard sunset.
6) The first Christmas baking I always do...and the first thing fully eaten too...
7) Santa!!!!! Always so exciting to see this up, even before it's lit!
8) Basketball games has meant the occasional pretzels & cheese again!
9) Snow and pumpkins. The first snow that even kinda stuck!
10) And then my morning glories were still blooming.
11) We went to the zoo for the first time in November! Had ride coupons expiring at the end of the year that I really wanted to use! Chilly but fun being back after sweating there so often in the summer!
12) Got our ride in!
13) My favorite dessert in town to celebrate Matt finishing clinicals!
14) It really feels like the Christmas season when they are lit!
15) Addressing my cards the night before Thankgiving, as I've been doing for many many years. Even though we haven't mailed them yet.
16) A tiny moment of peace and quiet (ish) on Thanksgiving morning! It was a busy weekend!
Books finished: 12
Miles ran: 10.05! Definitely winding down for the year!
Currently watching: Matt & I just finished Ahsoka ourselves and in November finished The Mandalorian with the boys. Now it's Christmas episodes!
Most read post this month: Reading Recap - October 2024 and then Kool-Aid Cookies
December will, FINALLY, bring the end of school for Matt. Semester break for the boys. AND CHRISTMAS. It's magical and crazy, all at once.