Friday, October 25, 2019

Things I Like - October

My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate links sprinkled in.  Thanks for helping support the blog! =)  See more here!
 1) ESARORA Ice Roller
Sam has not been a great sleeper for the last...4 months.  He mostly slept through the night for about a year...and then stopped.  Since June it's been very touch and go.  He's had a handful of weeks, since June, where he's slept all night every night (maybe 1 or 2 weeks).  He's had more weeks where he's been up screaming for HOURS 4-5 nights a week.  Most weeks are somewhere inbetween.  I am not a coffee drinker and after a particularly rough night, I ordered this ice roller which had been sitting in my Amazon cart for awhile.  I figured if I couldn't count on a full night of sleep and I don't rely on coffee to wake me least I can have a $12 ice roller to help make my face less puffy when I don't get enough sleep, thanks to an adorable but needs to sleep better baby.  (Who I should also stop calling baby because he's over 1½ and I can't accept how soon he'll be 2.)  It helps ease the puffiness and the mental sting of the lack of sleep.  Even if you can pretty much guarantee a full night of sleep, this thing is still pretty amazing.

2) Unstoppable God by Sanctus Real
Sometimes when I go into work I have the office to myself and I listen to podcast while classifying dozens of credit card charges.  Sometimes there are other people there and I listen to whatever music they have on.  One day a couple weeks ago it was this song and before it was 2 minutes in I was googling the lyrics to figure out the song title, e-mailed that info to myself, and downloaded it (thanks to Freegal!), the next time I was on my home computer.  I've been listening to it a lot since then and I find it very soothing but also uplifting.  I need to remember this next time I am suffering through an adoption wait.

3) Love Beauty & Planet Coconut Water and Mimosa Flower lotion
I have slowly been using up various hotel lotion samples (WHY do I take them when they are such a pain to use up??) and now that I am pretty much at the end of those, I decided I could buy some lotion in a scent I pick out.  I need A LOT of lotion in the winter and I noticed a huge difference in my skin as soon as we turned on our heat this fall.  I bought two bottles of this - one to keep in the kitchen for use throughout the day and one to keep by my bedside for nights.  I am a sucker for anything scented coconut and I like the smell of this.  I try to use it every time after washing my hands and can tell a difference in the days I do and the days I forget to constantly lotion up.

4) Target Cognac Booties
Cognac booties were one item on my fall/winter shopping list, one of many things I bought before I made that list but I didn't start wearing them until recently and I like them!  They have more cushion on the bottom than the Old Navy booties I've been wearing the past 4 years and are comfortable for the little walking I do in them (I'm not wearing them to walk to school pick-up but the thought has crossed my mind but I'd probably regret it.)  I really value being warm so I mostly only wear booties in the early fall and late spring (riding boots ALL winter) and have been happy with these!

5) Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker trailer
Matt and I went on opening night (Thursday evenings around 8pm) to see both The Force Awakens (loved) and The Last Jedi (ehhhh).  We watched the last trailer for The Rise of Skywalker together the night it came out and were like...we're just going to watch this. 

I got chills, multiple times, even though I have NO IDEA what is going on in the trailer.

Then we were like: "We're just going to look at movie times even though we are definitely not buying tickets right now."  We knew we couldn't go opening night because I refuse to have a sitter on a school night.

Pretty soon I was entering our credit card number and 5 minutes after we had sworn we weren't buying tickets...we were buying tickets.  (But not for Thursday night, that following weekend.) It was very convincing.  SO...pretty excited about that one.  But nobody can tell Luke where we are going because he wouldn't NOT be happy if he knew we were going to a new Star Wars movie without him (he's hasn't been allowed to see The Last Jedi, Rouge One, or Solo, this new one definitely needs screened before we decide if he can see it!)

What have YOU been liking lately?

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1 comment:

Childproofing Riverside said...

Lovely post thanks for posting.