Thursday, May 6, 2021

Looking Back at April

Happy May!!  April felt like a really long month but in a good way.  Easter was at the beginning of the month and when I looked at pictures that felt like FOREVER ago even though it was barely 30 days.  Spring always is feels so refreshing after a cold winter, even more so this year when our winter was pretty locked down with COVID numbers on the rise.  Luckily, things are looking better all over.  The weather is (sometimes) warmer and I've gotten both of my shots.  School has, fingers crossed with 3 weeks to go, managed to stay open ALL YEAR which is amazing and wonderful.  The flowers have been beautifully blooming.  I've been running and we've been doing bike rides and being much more social than we were over the winter and were last spring.  This spring has been extra renewing and refreshing!

Looking back:
1 year ago: {11} Quarantine Reading Suggestions
2 years ago: What Happened when my Husband (mostly) Gave Up Screens for 90 Days
3 years ago: A Star Wars/Lego/Superhero Party
4 years ago: Pineapple Crush
5 years ago: Chocolate Chip Coconut Scones (I've eaten one of these nearly every Friday for 5+ years!)
6 years ago: Getting My Sew On
7 years ago: Real Expenses: One Year of Formula & Diapering
8 years ago:
Things I Like - April (NYC edition)
9 years ago:
Q: Do you get a say in the baby you get?


1) Matt had spring break week off from work and we were mostly working on things around the house but did some fun things too like a long family bike ride downtown to pick-up pizza, eat at a park, pick up ice cream, and bike home the long way to see the blooming trees.  It was a highlight of the week!
2) This is a pretty tree, one of a few dozen pictures I took of them this year!
3) The dogwood starting to bloom in the backyard!  I KNOW it was still beautifully blooming by this point last year but our beautiful snow really killed the blooms.  Looking forward to it being beautiful again next year!
4) On another bike ride downtown (on a school night!!  That miracle only happened since Matt had the day off.) one of the boys handed me this tulip they claimed they picked up off the ground.
5) Riding through blooming trees near golden hour, it was truly magical.
6) This lovely tree was in front of church and absolutely stunning.  A week later it was overloaded with snow.
7) Our magnolia, the one we didn't move, looking lovely in the morning light.
8) I have a strong tendencies on my runs and walks to school pick-up to get distracted by the trees.  Some of my runs have had a horrible pace largely due to all my picture breaks (I'm not THAT fast to start with but the breaks don't help!).
9) My new dream tree, whatever this is, I want one in our yard, as soon as I find a place for it.  This was a pause on a run!
10) I climbed the slippery playhouse ladder to get pictures of the dogwood covered in snow.  Usually my favorite place to see the blooms, except not usually covered in snow. 
11) Taking the long way home from Mass the next morning to admire all the snow covered trees.  It was a STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL snowfall, even though it ruined my dogwood blossoms. Two days later I ran down this same road with no snow in sight (and I'm a fair weather runner).
12) And then later that day it was snowing the big, fat, we live in a snow globe flakes. 
13) Back at the zoo!!!  It was the BUSIEST I have ever seen it in my life but we were drawn in by free rides (which we got!) and saw about 5 animals, not counting the Canadian geese. 
14) Pretty confident in saying this was another "pause while running" tree picture.
15) Taking the long way home from school to see more trees. I thought I took a lot of tree pictures in the fall...I may have beaten that this spring.
16) Also stopped to see the tulips.  They are my favorite and now Sam says they are his too!  He wants to smell every one we pass on the walk home!

Books finished: 13, 3 of those in the last 2 days of the month...
Miles ran:
19.5, over 9 runs, I'm upping that average distance, slowly!
Currently watching: Staying pretty caught up with The Office (with Office Ladies podcast) and Grey's (the most depressing season ever).  Matt & I have been back at Community on Netflix. 
Most read post this month: Still Stripping: Laundry Style, followed by Quick Lit - April 2021, and Mixed Drink Monday: The Fizzy Flamingo.
Luke's current favorite song:
Direct quote: "I don't know".  He really hasn't requested any lately!

May brings our 15th anniversary, Mothers' Day, and the end of the school year!  All very exciting things!

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