It's almost October which means it's the earliest I will let the rest of my household acknowledge and prepare for Halloween. Except that somehow, this year, I started checking out the Halloween library books a few weeks ago, a few weeks earlier than I typically would have started putting some of our favorites on hold. But on Friday, October 1st, we'll decorate for Halloween and get out our stash of Halloween books and I'll try to hide pretzel M&M's in a Frankenstein head candy jar that I bought over a dozen years ago. I've long though I don't like Halloween much but I do have a sentimental attachment to many parts of it, like the picture books we read and watching "No Noggin" and some of the decor I picked up at Target in our very early months of marriage. I think I secretly like it more than I think.
Part of my favorably feelings of Halloween comes from having a pretty good list of good Halloween books. These are some we checkout or pull out every year!
Herbert's First Halloween by Cynthia Rylant, illustrated by Steven Henry
Herbert is three and a bit unsure about his first Halloween (that he remembers) that is coming up. But his Dad helps him get excited about his costume, one Herbert is looking forward to wearing. His Dad helps him practice and "roar-ing" at people. My three year old (who doesn't remember trick or treating in pre-COVID life) liked this one.
Ghost in the House by Ammi-Joan Paquette, illustrated by Adam Record
This is a favorite one here that I will read almost daily in October. It has a fun rhythm to it, about a ghost and then other "spooky" creatures that join him on their quest through a "creepy haunted house". Right now I haven't read this book in 11 months but I feel like I could still almost recite the whole thing.
The Witch Next Door by Norman Bridwell
This is a book that was written in my childhood but I never read until a few years ago. Two kids learn they have a witch living next door but then they quickly learn that there are many benefits to having a witch next door.
The Monsters' Monster by Patrick McDonnell
This isn't strictly a Halloween book but it's about Monsters and I feel strongly about only reading it in the month of October so it's Halloween enough for us! Some monsters work together to make a MONSTER to end all monsters but then that MONSTER has different ideas on how to live life. I've read this countless times and it always makes me want pastries and especially pastries on the beach.
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler
This witch has room on her broom for a cat, and then some more critters want on...and then some more. Eventually she will run out of room on her broom, right??
Boo Who? by Ben Clanton
Boo is a Ghost who is new and doesn't quite fit in at his new school. I mean, how do you play tag with the other kids when you don't feel yourself getting tagged? But the kids find a way to make it work. Fitting for Back to School through Halloween!
Stumpkin by Lucy Ruth Cummins
If I could only pick one book from this list to read to my boys around Halloween, it would probably be this one. Luke LOVED this one a few years ago and now it's a family favorite. A poor pumpkin who never gets picked since he doesn't have a stem. He's a Stumpkin. He just wants someone to pick him before Halloween!
Click, Clack, Boo! by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
My boys both appreciate this crazy farm animals that like pulling pranks on Farmer Brown. I, personally, and more like Farmer Brown in that I'd like to hide and stay home usually on Halloween but usually have a good time when forced out of my house.
Happy Halloween by Sesame Workshop
I don't know that either of my boys have watched much, if any, Sesame Street in their days but they both went through stages where they liked Sesame books and I do like this "Sesame Street Scribbles" series. This one is about Halloween and a cute story about dressing up and going to a party. The pictures are pretty neat.
Sir Simon: Super Scarer by Cale Atkinson
Sir Simon is a ghost and professional scarer. He's excited to be assigned to his first house and especially excited that the house just has an old lady resident. Old Ladies are the EASIEST to scare. But then there is a kid. And kids are NOT easy to scare. So Sir Simon has to take the kid under his wing and teach the kid a few things about being a super scarer.
B is for Boo: A Halloween Alphabet by Greg Paprocki
We love Greg Paprocki's alphabet books and might own all of the holiday/seasonal ones by now. We are especially working on letters with Sam right now so these are perfect but all of us appreciate the great pictures, so many fantastic details!
We're Off to Find the Witch's House by Richard Krieb
This is one we hadn't read until this year and then Sam really liked it and now we've read it a lot (I don't know who I am becoming that I'm getting Halloween books off the library shelves in mid-September). Kids are off to find the witch's house and encounter a few "scary" things along the way.
There was an Old Mummy Who Swallowed a Spider by Jennifer Ward, illustrated by Steve Gray
Following in the format of the "There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" song but with a Mummy eating way too many things to try to solve a problem with the initial spider.
Little Blue Truck's Halloween by Alice Schertle, illustrated by Jill McElmurry
Even though no Little Blue Truck books live up to the first two, I still appreciate (and we own) all of the seasonal ones. Little Blue Truck and his good friend Toad find all the other farm animals dressed up for Halloween before donning costumes of their own.
Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat by Stan & Jan Berenstain
A ending with a classic from my childhood, the Berenstain Bears plan and navigate their trick or treat plan, only to find the old neighbor they thought was scary actually has the best treats.