Thursday, December 9, 2021

Christmas Season Decide Once

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  I've said many times how much I love everything about Christmas, even the never-ending to-do list that comes with it.  I think there is something about how much I enjoy crossing things off a list combined with the fact and I honestly enjoy nearly all of the tasks I give myself to make Christmas happy that just makes it a lovely time of year.  I like decorating and wrapping presents and reading A LOT of books and baking and watching cozy movies and the extra family time we get.  So while my to-do lists are very long in December, it's a joy to accomplish most of those tasks (if only guiding a child through homework wasn't one of them).  

That said, it is very easy to get overwhelmed during this Christmas season and thus I've made many choices to make things as easy as possible for me.  The Lazy Genius taught me the beauty of "deciding once" and that is in FULL EFFECT this time of year.  It's greatly helped by our many Christmas traditions but also many of my "behind the scenes" type of work I do exactly the same as years prior.  I have a lot of decisions to make already (what to buy people, how many cookies is too many cookies for an after school snack?, should I attempt to watch Love Actually while Sam is likely awake and very likely to come downstairs?) that eliminating as many as I can really helps me enjoy the season!

Here are some of my "decide once" decisions!

1) Address Christmas cards on Thanksgiving Eve (while watching The Family Stone)
I've done this at least 10 years now.  I don't have to try to figure out when I am going to do this.  It's always the same night with the same movie. (In Lazy Genius terms, this is also my Christmas season opening ceremony.)

2) Start Decorating with Jesus
I always start my decorating on Black Friday.  How much gets done that day depends on if I am shopping and/or we have a Thanksgiving with family that day.  BUT when I do start I always start with Jesus.  As in, my nativity that I've had for 30 years.  I know what box it all is in and it's the first one I unpack.  Then, the shelves in the front room if I have time.

3) Schedule 4 Elf nap times
I always do these the first 2 full weeks of December, on the Tuesdays and Thursdays.  That gives me 4-6 hours to get my wrapping done.  I watch The Holiday the first week and Love Actually the second. This year Sam actually napped (!!!!!) on the first one so I prioritized wrapping all of his and Luke's stuff as fast as I could!  

4) Start baking the first full week in November and start with Reindeer Noses
I've been following this same basic plan for years now even though I have greatly cut back how much I bake from our years pre-kids.  I make my plan on Halloween, shop for supplies in the first few days in November and then start with Reindeer Noses after that.  

5) Buy 4 gifts each for the boys
They always get a Lego or Duplo set and a book each.  Then two other gifts from us.  They also give each other a gift (that we pay for) so 5 total items to open on Christmas morning.  That is it. 

6) Start with Friends, end with Community
I aim to get through all of these Christmas (and other holidays when it's time) episodes every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Matt will watch the Parks & Rec, The Office, and Community episodes with me.  We always watch Community season 2 & 3 (two of their very best episodes) in the few days before Christmas.  We sprinkle in the other two shows before that.  I start with Friends because I already have those DVDs upstairs from watching the Thanksgiving episodes.  (That list is outdated for where they are streaming but with the DVDs we own there are only 2 shows I have to get from the library!)  I try to end with American Dreams because apparently I like crying on Christmas Eve.

7) Ornaments for St. Nick
This goes back to my childhood when my parents always gave each of us an ornament (or one year, a stocking holder) for St. Nick Day.  I've kept that up with my boys each year of their lives, picking something I'd probably not care for necessarily but something that means something to them (Luke got a zombie Hulk this year).  And Matt has added candy which is what he got for St. Nick as a kid. And maybe a Shining Light doll each (and for me...) BUT we start with an ornament!

8) Part of Teacher's Gift something Local
I don't have a decide once for a whole teacher's gift but I do always make sure at least some part of it comes from a local small business.  That helps narrow down my choices a bit (the Farmers Market is VERY helpful with this!).  And I often include some chocolate pretzel rods from Target, those seem like something most people will like!

There are probably many other things I've already decided but they've already come so second nature that they don't even come to mind!  I love the bustle of the holidays but also enjoy making things easier when I can or at least giving myself a same starting point year after year.  I also have this list of {12} Christmas Hacks (of sorts), almost all of which I still do!

If you have any of these decide onces for the holidays?  I'd love to hear them!  I am always looking for ways to streamline!

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