Tuesday, January 18, 2022

How Did I Do on 21 in 2021

This is anther of my favorite posts to write because it's so satisfying to see how much we were able to get done in a year.  So many nagging projects and ones that were more exciting and just getting out of the house for more dates.  These lists definitely help me stay motivated to improve things around the house and try new things. So satisfying.

This is also, excitingly, the BEST I have ever done on one of these lists.  Ready?  89.5% done.  That, my friends, I'm pretty happy with.  The three items I didn't finish will show up (in some cases for far from the second time) on my 22 in 2022 list that I plan to write for later this week.  But nearly 90% (if we round) is pretty good.  I think I've hit a nice stride of making these doable but still big enough that I'm excited by all that we've done!  (In 2020 I also got a passing grade with a 85.75% but I am rather pleased that I beat my prior self.  My favorite person to compete with is myself.)

Original 21 in 2021 List

Here we go!

Inside Home Things
1) Replace lights in the stairs (100%)
We did this in 3rd quarter and it's such an improvement! (Also, that picture makes the lighting in our stairs look AMAZING.)

2) Replace end table (10%)
We have agreed on a design, again, and Matt keeps telling me this is next on the list. 
3) Figure out boys' bed situation & make it happen (100%)
We switched them to bunk beds over the summer and rearranged their room (again).  Done!

4) Replace pulls on nightstands (100%)
This was a fairly easy one and I like the new ones so much better.
5) Replace dish drainer (100%)
I can't believe we lived with something that worked poorly for FIFTEEN years.  But it's replaced now!
6) Travel map (100%)
FINALLY.  This was on the list for MANY years and finally got done this time.  I was so pleased with the result and keep looking at it back in the kitchen (it was under our bed for Christmas decor) and thinking about the pins we plan to add to it this summer!
7) Redo A gallery wall (100%)
I hope to write a post about this later this month but I spray painted and moved a WHOLE bunch of frames that took a lot of planning for my most complicated gallery wall yet.  I'm really happy with this one.
Yard Things
8) Plant hyacinths (100%)
Did this in October and am hopeful we'll have some blooms in the spring!

9) Put in Sandbox (20%)
Another one that has been on the list for awhile.  We know where it is going.  We know the place to buy the sand.  We know where we can put the extra dirt.  Luke continued to dig on this on and off over the fall but we need to dedicate a good day or two to knock it out.  Emptying the wheelbarrow was the worst part!
10) Plant in garden beds (100%)
DONE.  We loved watching these grow all summer and have plans to had another one! (After my end table is done).
11) Put out rain barrel (100%)
Matt hooked this up on the 4th of July after building a nice stand for it so we don't have to bend over.  We mostly used it to water the raised beds since it was back by those and then the hose to water the flowers by the house.  We drained this dry multiple times this summer and fall!

12) Finish compost moving (100%)
I *think* the compost is in it's final location.  Matt had a Friday off and we knocked this out, with Sam's help (Luke was at school) and then Matt tore apart the compost bin he built 11 years earlier to make lower walls around the new one.  We haven't turned it over yet since we just did this in October but am optimistic we'll be able to do that in the spring and get some dirt from the bottom!  (Picture is the compost's prior location, empty now!)

13) Hang Christmas lights on the playhouse (100%)
Matt & Luke did this while I was hanging lights in the porch with Sam.  We found solar lights that twinkle for a few hours at night (they aren't still on when we wake up) and you can tell when we've had a cloudy day because they aren't on!  Very cute, we plan to leave this up all year!

14) Replace our vehicle (100%)
Technically the one we did in 2020 but we did the BMV stop in 2021 and got Matt his key fob (it only came with one) and did the one larger repair we knew it needed when we bought it.  Still very happy with this purchase.

15) Figure out a ponytail (100%)
I got very dedicated to figuring this out in the last 3ish weeks before my annual fall hair chop.  Watched a youtube video a few times, still not amazing but it's an improvement.  When my hair is a little longer in the summer I'll work on it more.

16) Do something with the boys' art (50%)
I'm not half way through the work but just making the starting steps can be the hardest parts!  Sam's art photographed and in a digital photobook through the end of 2021 and I've photographed more of his 2022 art too.  Luke's art is taking longer (he's had more years to produce) but after many days of trying to catch up his recent stuff I decided to start with the beginning because I had all of his art in rough chronological order from the beginning until 2020 sometime I think.  So I am working on that AND trying to keep up with the new stuff.  It is A PROCESS (I can only do about 20 pieces at a time before my back starts to hurt).  BUT, have definitely made a good start!  I've photographed his art through fall 2019!  Progress!
On Going
I'm calling this one done because many of the things on my list a year ago we have gotten rid of.  The problem is we've added MORE things to get rid of.  Matt did 2-3 metal recycle runs (one was the pieces of our old dryer for a total of $13 and his most lucrative run yet - one in the fall for $72!).  I mailed in my dental and beauty product Terracycles.  I committed to and did quarterly donation drop-offs.  Matt did at least one electronics recycle drop but there is still more.  We did get rid of A LOT of things it's just a constant cycle.

18) Go on 8 dates (100%)
We got in all 8 and 7 of them involved going downtown (the 8th was a trip to the drive-in which we really missed in 2020!).  We had a lot of fun and I really enjoy daylight hours to talk to Matt without kids interrupting!  Getting these regular dates on the calendar have been SO GOOD for our marriage. 

19) Finish 4 photobooks (2020, Sam, Luke, vacation) (100%)
In 2020 I was supposed to do 5 but only did 4 since we didn't get to go on vacation.  In 2021 I thought I'd do 4 but actually did 5 because we went on an extra vacation. And all 3 of our current books are caught up through Christmas! (2/3 are done through 2021, Sam I am still working on his Christmas break & New Years pages). 
20) Get food from local restaurant once a month (100%)
Easily hit this at least once a month, some months it was more like 4-5!  We've found so many good restaurants and I really like committing to picking up food once a month!  These are often on our dates but we did quite a few with the boys too.

21) Add 12 recipes to Instant Pot rotation (100%)
I don't know about adding them all to our rotation but I did try 12 new ones and at least half are ones we've done again.  I definitely am more comfortable with my Instant Pot than I was a year ago!

Exciting to see how much we accomplished and looking forward to planning all we hope to do this year!

1st quarter progress on 21 in 2021
2nd quarter progress on 21 in 2021
3rd quarter progress on 21 in 2021