Thursday, March 31, 2022

Books the Boys Like - March 2022 {9 & 4}

My boys both have March birthdays which mean we have a newly minted 4 and 9 year old in the house.  Luke is in his last year of single digits and Sam is definitely not a toddler anymore!  How they continue to age faster than me is just baffling.  On the plus side, they generally have pretty long attention spans for books!  We read together for a couple hours a week and it's usually one time of day I can get them to settle on the couch with me.  Even when we do movie night they are often on the floor or in their camp chairs (and I'm often doing a puzzle).  Here's a few books they've each been enjoying lately!

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Luke (9)
1) Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
These are Luke's favorite books to read by himself right now, usually later than he should be (I have a hard time being TOO upset about this, especially when he almost always gets up and around for school just fine.  But it's definitely more ok in the summer when he doesn't need to be awake before 7am).  I personally haven't read them and I'm not sure how I feel about them (I know, then I shouldn't be letting him read them) BUT he is happy to READ and we're going to let it go for now.  (And my teenage niece who I trust really liked them so I figure they are ok?)

2) Cat Kid Comic Club: Perspectives by Dav Pilkey
The Dogman universe is still beloved even if he doesn't solely reach for them anymore.  This is the book we gave Luke for Christmas and we're giving him the next Cat Kid Comic Club for Easter (it's the easiest way to pick a book gift for him.  New Dogman-ish book?  Yes, let's buy that).  I really don't know what these are about but he likes them!

3) Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar
This was a read aloud with him earlier this year.  I definitely read this one, the second in the trilogy, many times as a kid (I'm fairly certain I never read the other 2).  It's definitely waaaaay goofier than I remember BUT Luke loves the goofy so he really liked these.  We'll read the 3rd eventually.

4) The Amazing Spider-Man: An Origin Story by Rich Thomas & Jeff Clark
Luke and I were at the library a few weeks ago and he started describing these to me, a super hero book we had read before with half their face on the took me a bit to figure out what he meant (thank goodness for Goodreads and being able to search all the books I've read!) but then we got a whole bunch of this series and the boys both like them!  I read them all to them again but Luke has also read them himself.

5) The Smart Cookie by Jory John, illustrated by Pete Oswald
This is the fifth (maybe?) book in a loose series about food items and this one is my favorite.  The Cookie is smart but he's not smart in the same way as the other baked goods in his class.  He feels different until he finds an assignment that he excel at and that changes everything.  It was a wonderful message, told through baked goods.

Sam (4)
1) Plant the Tiny Seed by Christie Matheson
This is a return favorite from last spring.  I had to return it due to holds and so immediately put it back on hold on a different card...only to go to the library 6 hours after returning to pick up...the exact copy I had returned.  But now we have at least another 3 weeks!  This is perfect for Sam, interactive AND learning a little bit about a garden!

2) Mix it Up! by Herve Tullet, translated by Christopher Franceschelli
I read this with Luke years ago and picked it up for Sam after he's shown interest in how colors mix (orange is his favorite color but he'll conceed to yellow if orange isn't an option in a game or something, since yellow makes orange).  Sam has gotten way more into this book than Luke ever did and now Sam asks a lot of questions about what different color combinations make.  

3) Butts by Katrine Crow
BOTH of my boys liked this book, probably because they were so surprised that I'd pick out and read them a book called Butts.  A simple board book where they show an animal's behind and you guess what it is.  There are other in the series such as Horns but you just can't beat approved talking about butts to my boys.

4) Mel Fell by Corey R. Tabor
This is a delightful book that is another favorite from last spring and in heavy rotation when I read just to Sam.  Mel is a Kingfisher who all the animals on the tree think is falling, but Mel isn't falling.  She's fishing.  And she can fly.  It's just so well done, maybe in my top 25 picture books we've read.

5) Cavities vs. Toothpaste by Didi Dragon, illustrated by Hannah Robinett
Luke's been going to the dentist for ~7 years.  Sam for ~18 months.  They've both been brushing their own teeth since they were little.  AND YET, they learned more about the importance of brushing from this book than either of them had from anywhere else.  Or at least it sunk in better.  Sam is now a committed flosser (much to our dismay when we are trying to get him to bed) and Luke doesn't fight me on the twice a day brushes as much as he used to (he also sneaks in flossing when he's supposed to be getting to bed).  Highly recommend to all parents of kids young enough to learn about brushing!

Have you read any good picture books lately?  I'd love to hear!

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