We are halfway (a bit over at this point) through 2022! Time moves fast, blah blah blah (I'm definitely feeling that). We've been fairly productive lately, even though we've also been doing adventures and such. Maybe I made an easy list? I'm going with productive. There is still plenty left to do before the end of the year! Not that it's stressing me or anything (sometimes it is, depends on what else is going on). Let's see how it's going with this list, and I'm not going to let the result make me feel any worse or better about my productivity (I am totally going to do that.).
Original 22 in 2022 List
1st quarter update
Inside Home Things
1) Replace the boys' bedroom light (100%)
This was done in 1st quarter.
Done in 1st quarter
3) Hang art in our bedroom (100%)
Done in 1st quarter
This is waiting on ONE THING to fill the last frame, I keep changing my mind what that should be. But frames are hung, the extras returned!
5) Rotate front room rugs (100%)
Done in 1st quarter
I may have said last update that this might be done by summer. Well, midway through July and it is MOST DEFINITELY NOT DONE. 7) Rug for my office (10%)
I can't decide if I want something lighter to blend in or darker for a more bold statement. I literally go back and forth between the two every time I think about it. Opinions welcome.
Outside Home Things
8) Make a sandbox for the boys (0%)
I had written a long thing about how proud I am that this is finally done...then remembered that we did the heavy digging on...July 1st. So as of June 30th, this had no progress.
9) Make another raised garden bed (0%)
Yep, hasn't been started although we have discussed how to simplify/do it for less money.
10) Make rain gauge for the backyard (100%)
I didn't make one but we did buy one from Target and it's been more exciting than I expected to actually measure how much rain we're getting (some recent storms over 2 days got us 6.5" while my sister just a few miles away got double that!).
11) Make Mom's pot roast (100%)
This was a 1st quarter one.
12) Buy from a local restaurant once a month (50%)
We have successfully done this one a month all year! In a bind, we did count sno-cones one month but it still is a local business!
13) Bake with yeast once a month (50%)
Also have done this once a month! I wrote that I did April's on the 26th but didn't write what I made...but did baguettes in May and cinnamon rolls in June!
14) Celebrate a food holiday every month (50%)
Have done one of these at least once a month, often more than one.
15) Finish 6 photobooks (2021, Sam, Luke, St. Louis, Acadia, late summer trip) (67%)
This ballooned a bit to be SIX photobooks. 2021, Sam, Luke, and St. Louis are all done and ordered. I have it on my July list to at least START Acadia's now that I spent EIGHT HOURS sorting through the pictures. More to come on that trip later this month I hope.
16) Make a fabric pendant for birthdays (100%)
I wrote a post on this a few months ago. It was a satisfying one to do!
17) Go on 10 dates (50%)
Had done 5 by the end of June and already have the next 2 sorta planned!
18) Make tie-dye family shirts (100%)
This was a pretty quick one that has delighted me than I expected. I ordered custom shirts from a local place and then picked up a clearance tie-dye kit from Hobby Lobby for $8 that, miraculously, had all the right colors (each of our favorite colors: blue, green, red, and orange). We did the dying a few days before we left for Maine, I washed them and we all wore them the day we had our longest driving day. I cannot tell you how much this delighted me. We also all wore them on a recent camping trip!
Nagging Projects
19) Get a will made (0%)
Yes, this needs done.
I did reach a point somewhere in June where ALL the art was photographed. Getting things into the books has been more of a problem. Sam's is relatively caught up, sometime in the spring. Luke's is done through...2016 maybe? I am REALLY regretting not dating every piece of paper they ever touched. That would have helped, so much.
21) Recycle crayons & markers (50%)
I sent in crayons to recycle after school was out. Some 8+ pounds worth! I haven't done markers yet although I have a pretty full box in the basement. That's next to figure out.
22) Project for Luke's school (10%)
I had a conversation with his principal and he is enthusiastic about some of my ideas I just need more research time to have more. It's easy to be discouraged and that keeps happening which makes momentum hard.
I was a bit discouraged writing this up because it feels like quite a few things I haven't made any progress on at the halfway point AND YET...59.18%, still over 50%! That's promising. Of course, some of the things that are done are things like "rain gauge" which cost $6 and 5 minutes of time. Something like a raised bed is a bit more time and money consuming. Hopefully can knock out some of these outside ones still in the next few months!