Thursday, October 17, 2024

24 in 2024 - 3rd quarter update

I wish I had a good reason why my list is slow moving this year.  Maybe it's because I've knocked off the lower hanging fruit, per se, of projects and now it's more nitty gritty??  Also, being home all day without kids, during the school year, doesn't quite free me up as much as I thought it might??  Also balancing 2 part-time jobs and various commitments and helping out at school.  Or maybe in 2025 I'll just give myself an easier list!

Original 24 in 2024 list
1st quarter update
2nd quarter update

Inside Home Things
1) Paint kitchen cabinets (0%)
Nothing is happening here.

2) Replace kitchen cabinet hardware (0%)

3) Make a gallery wall over the couch (100%)
Did this in the 1st quarter!  And finally reprinted some pictures that I printed the wrong orientation the first time!

4) Hang pictures of MIL (100%)
Finished this is 2nd quarter.

Outside Things
5) Plant Dahlias (100%)
Did this and some came up this year!  It's very exciting.  Now I need to figure out how to winter them. (Is it already too late to do something about that??)

6) Run outside every month of the year (75%)
I am 100% on this through September (and have been running in October).  December is the only remaining month that should be hard.  I nearly always run outside in November anyways. (This was running at the Outer Banks...a post about that trip will be up at some point...)

Nagging Tasks
7) Finish our will (5%)
We need to finish this, so badly.

8) Buy cemetery plots (100%)
We did this in the spring. 

9) Get a dumb phone for home (100%)
Did this in early summer.  It's proven handy more than once already!  And glad it's a cell phone because there are times we can let Luke wander a bit more (like at our high school football game where there are middle school kids all over the place) and just text him when it's time to come back!

10) Sell a Lego Millennium Falcon (0%)
I have wanted one of these out of the house for nearly 2 years.  I need to get that done.

11) Try a new chicken recipe every month (75%)
Have been successful on this every month through September and we have found some new favorites to work into our rotation!  I already have one planned for October too.

12) Make a standard fall/winter and spring/summer menu plan with grocery list (65%)
The spring/summer one is done and I even made a standard grocery list to go with it.  Now that we are back to fall/winter meals I need to finish up that one. 

13) Host 6 Cookouts (83%)
At end of September we had done 5 (we've since done TWO more to exceed this goal!).  We didn't make this one last year so were much more intentional in getting it done this year!  It's one of those things we've longed meant to do but takes some intention to get done.

Fun Things
14) Go on 10 dates (80%)
We had done 8 by end of September (and another since).  Matt has A LOT of days off between now and the end of the year in order to finish school strong but it's not too hard to fit in a breakfast or lunch out too.  Although maybe we should do a few more extensive dates than just a meal out. 


15) Eat local once a month (75%)
Had done at least once a month through September.  These are often our dates but sometimes something with the boys too.  There's a local pizza place nearby that we all like.

16) Finish 4 photobooks (2023, Luke, Sam, summer 2024 vacation) (75%)
All are done and here besides our OBX vacation that I haven't even started but trying to get all our other current photobooks updated first.

17) Go to the Farmers Market 6 times (66%)
Have gone 4 times, twice indoors, twice when it was outdoors.  Matt & I walked through the outdoor one a 5th time but didn't buy anything so I'm not counting it. 

18) Get really good at family games we own but rarely play (1/month) (58%)
We are two months behind on this right now although in late September we taught the boys SPOONS and they really liked that one.  I need to plan out our last 5 so it's easier to do one when we have time on the weekend.

Helpful items
19) Buy a grey sweater (to keep) (10%)
I have bought many, none quite right yet.

20) Dye a dress (100%)
I did this the day before school started so I could wear it to the rehearsal dinner for our niece's wedding a few days later.  I was kinda nervous about it but it turned out really well and I got compliments on the color from people who didn't even know I dyed it!  I've worn it many times since, definitely was worthwhile.  (The color recipe I followed was Rooftop Restaurant from RitDye and those are the dyes I used.)

21) Figure out how to use Gmail better (clear-up inboxes) (0%)
I still have many more e-mails in there than I know I need.  This needs help.

22) Fix tags (25%)
I have started writing down the wrong ones when I come across them but need to actually work on fixing them.  A windows update a few years ago but this much harder to sort than it used to be.  I'm still a bit grouchy about it.

23) Art books (10%)
Are these going to be like the end table project that I have on here for years (it's already been on here for years) before it eventually gets done?  Or will it just never get done?  I'm still not sure.  But it's on my list to get to this month.  

24) Make a step on green project at school (50%)
We are working on a BIG step that needs some more time given to it...but it's something I have wanted for years, just need to finish the project!

56% Well, progress since June but not as far along as I'd like!  Maybe some motivation to just get some of these things done in the next few weeks before the Christmas crazy kicks in!

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