Thursday, April 13, 2023

23 in 2023 update - 1st quarter

We're well into April which means a whole quarter of this year is past!  It also means spring is REALLY here which I love.  I think I do ok in the winter but then spring really shows up and I feel like a whole different person.  One who has even less tolerance for homework.

I don't feel like I did super well on this, there are things I crossed off...but many, MANY, I didn't even touch! Here's how it's going! 

Original 23 in 2023 list

Inside Home Things
1) Reorganize bottom of basement stairs (50%)
This project bumped up in priority after we had our first basement flood, in 17 years, on Ash Wednesday (which was followed the next week with a flood in a different part of the basement).  So everything that was here was even more of a mess and, once he had disposed of all the carpet and dried everything out, Matt got started on his project down here.  It's a whole mini mudroom/utility storage situation.  My job will be all the organizing when it is done, which is hopefully before school is out!  It will be exciting to have a much better set-up down there. 

2) Paint kitchen cabinets (0%)
As of March 31st I had done nothing about this other than think about it and lament how impractical and needlessly expensive to replace our countertops with butcher block (purely for aesthetic reasons).  I have started looking at paint colors since thought!

3) Replace kitchen hardware (0%)
Same on this one, we've talked about it but haven't taken any further steps.

4) Simplify fridge & back door (100%)
I'm calling this one done!  I did it randomly after school one day in January or February.  One of those tasks that kept me busy and close, but not hovering, to supervise homework.  We still have A LOT of magnets but I'm fine with that.

5) Replace bathroom light (0%)
I think we're leaning towards Matt just rewiring the current one since the ones I showed him I was interested in were very similar in style to what we have.  And rewiring is much less wasteful and cheaper.

6) Make flamingo pillow covers (0%)
I think this will be a May project, to get ready for summer!

7) Do a thorough clean-out of a significant area once a month (25%)
I have been doing A LOT of simplifying and cleaning this year, particularly in March, so I am giving myself full credit on this one.  I've mostly focused on our offices and KEEP finding things to get rid of.  Next is to tackle the buffet and then maybe some kitchen cabinets?  Although I went through those pretty well last fall.

Outside Home Things
Replace string light timer (0%)
I ordered a new timer on April 1st so 0 credit for me at March 31st!  We have the new one so now I just need Matt's help to hang them!

9) Make another raised garden bed (0%)
I'm pushing to get these done over a string of days Matt has off in May, while Luke is still in school.  But he also wants to keep focusing on the basement.  We'll see how this pans out!

10) Plant a vegetable that we will eat (0%)
We're not to planting time yet so I'm not behind yet!

11) Plant dahlias (0%)
Ditto that!

12) Host 6 cookouts (0%)
We also haven't had much cookout weather although I have started mentally planning these!

13) Bake with boys once a month (25%)
I've baked with Sam every month, partially because he's the one who is home all day with me.  Luke will join us over the summer!  And I'd like for them to start to do more of the work but that requires some teaching from me...maybe we can dive into this more over the summer.

14) Eat local once a month (25%)
Successfully did this at least once a month so far!

15) Farmers market 4 times (0%)
I like the outdoor market better so waiting on that to start in May!)

16) Go on 10 dates (33%)
We've done 3 and I have sitters and days lined up for the next two!  (Picture is from March's date where we primarily discussed #23 on this list.  We are fun like that.)

17) Finish 6 photobooks (San Antonio, 2022, Sam, Luke, Chicago, 2023 vacation) (33%)
This was 5 photobooks but I increased it to 6 since our recent Chicago trip will need one too.   I've ordered and have 2023 and San Antonio (ordered those together).  I need to get Sam's and Luke's ordered soon since the sale I like is currently running.  I did finally start our 2023 book!  I'm through February!

18) Read Rose Code by Kate Quinn (0%)
Have not read this yet.

19) Make packing lists (50%)
I have started these and worked on our hotel one for our Chicago trip.  The other ones need some fine tuning, I'll work on those when they are each needed later this year.

20) Systemize keeping quotes from the boys (50%)
I've decided I keep Luke's quote in a word doc on my computer.  Sam's are in a quote book my Mom gave me a few years ago.  I still need to pull Luke's old ones from twitter that I posted there but I have consolidated random ones from other places on my computer!

21) Art books (10%)
I've worked on these the tiniest bit.  It would be a relief to get them caught up!  I need to get back to photo-ing art!

22) Recycle sneakers (10%)
I ordered the bag to do this but haven't sent it back yet.  One I can knock out pretty easily with a trip to the post office!

23) Project at Luke's School (5%)
By March 31st I had set-up a meeting with the principal for post-spring break which just happened the day I am writing this.  Things are happening, although slowly.

18.09%!  I knew I'd be under 25%!  Well, many of the outside things are nice weather dependent which we are now getting so optimistic I'll be around 50% by the end of June!

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