Thursday, November 30, 2023

Things I Like - November 2023

I always enjoy hearing what works for other people and I like sharing things I like, it's part of the reason I have a blog.  I've been doing these monthly posts for 10 years and they also provide a nice little snapshot in my life at a moment in time! See more here!  Some affiliate links may be included!

1) Blue Shatter Proof Ornaments
I've gotten VERY particular about my shades of blue this year and was delighted to find these ornaments that are in nearly perfect shades (I have "navy" if it doesn't link right to those).  Our tree already getting pretty full with my 40 years of accumulated ornaments (Matt came into this marriage with one single ornament) plus my boys have made various ones and each get one for St. Nick every year.  BUT...I like having a lot of plain balls on there too and these are great colors.  

2) Silver Tinsel
Let's just get the Christmas things in here together! My sister sent me an IG story or list or something with wrapping things and I immediately added this tinsel ribbon to my cart.  I have not used it yet, although I need to get to wrapping because I've gotten a good portion of my shopping done and not a lot of places to hide it all, but I am VERY excited to with my brown craft paper.  Then I will definitely be winding it back up to use again (I have both twine and wired ribbon that has been used over and over and over again).

3) OPI Drama at La Scala
I am ALWAYS going to be interested in blue nail polish around this shade.  I wore this for nearly a month straight, just touching up fingers as needed (I probably painted each one at least 3 times in that month).  It's a great color and held up well!  It is close to something else I have?  Probably.  But I do not care.

4) Seashell Bags
I'm pretty sure these came from Everyday Reading's $5 gift list and I immediately added them to my cart as well.  When we were at the beach this summer, the boys would hand us SO MANY SHELLS they wanted us to hold onto while they kept getting more.  And there is only so many I can hold in my hands at once (I was not sacrificing my short pockets for wet shells, although they did).  These bags are a great solution and I am definitely pulling them out for our next beach trip.  Even sold the 3rd to my sister who is going to the beach before us!

5) Zippered Storage Bags
I think I saw these at the library, for storing games or something and realized they were the perfect solution to my storage problem of vacation souvenirs.  Do I have too many vacation souvenirs.  Yes. I 100% do. BUT...I do enjoy pulling out random old maps or church bulletins or whatever from our trips.  I bought enough that I have one bag for each trip and now everything is nicely organized.  I cleaned these out some...but do I still have receipts for postcards at the Grand Canyon in 1996?  Yes.  Do I have every gas receipt from every road trip Matt & I have taken? Yes.  Do I have pretty much every paper receipt from every trip we've taken? Also yes.  I am not minimalist about these things and I am fine with that.  I was very excited to organize these. 

What have YOU been liking lately??

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