Thursday, February 8, 2024

{8} Things Saving my Winter - 2024 Edition

Winter is not my favorite.  It's never been my favorite.  This is mainly due to the cold and limited sunlight.  I know I choose to live here for many reasons so I tolerate the winter but that's about as much as I can get myself to like it!  We're about halfway between the calendar schedule of winter - winter solstice to spring solstice.  As I've said many times, I consider March 1st to be the first day of spring so we are only a few weeks out!  But I am linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy as I have for many years so here's what saving my winter, for these last few weeks of it.

1) Seat heaters in my car
I started a new workout series a few weeks ago which made me very sore for a few weeks.  That, plus being cold, nearly all the time, has given me a new appreciation for the seat heaters in my Pilot.  They make those early morning drives to school just a little bit easier AND help ease sore muscles a bit at any time of the day!  I am never sad to have those.

2) Tackling small tasks around the house
In early January I made a list of 53 things to get done, 1 for every day from the start of school after break until spring.  It has been SO motivating, when I have a few minutes to spare, to get these tasks, some of which have been nagging me for months or year, slowly checked out.  I don't do one every single day, some days it just works to knock out a bunch, but seeing progress on what I've been able to do really has given some added purpose to my least favorite two months of the year.  I LOVE spring but I am considering making a new list for that time too, just to keep me on tasks of little things that I'd like to have finished.

3) Working on a new gallery wall
This is one that I have been thinking about since I read Joyful a few years ago and I am FINALLY making it happen.  The frames are (mostly) en route to me right now and I've done multiple mock-ups on my computer of the pictures I want to print (and then have stared proudly at those mock-ups way too many times).  

4) Monopoly Deal
With both boys in school I no longer get to spend my days coloring and playing games but when we have a bit of time between homework, wrestling, and getting kids to bed, I can usually rope at least my youngest into playing with me.  Even if he's so vicious I almost cried our last game.  (affiliate link there)

5) English Breakfast Tea
I start looking forward to my morning cuppa about the afternoon before.  I delight in it so much.  I do make myself drink a full 24oz water bottle before I get tea, much easier on weekdays when I workout in the morning than on weekends when I don't, but that first sip of tea that's almost so hot it burns my mouth...I LOVE it.  

6) Reading
Always.  On the days I come right back home from drop-off, I try to read for about an hour before I dive into anything else.  I mean, I'll finish cleaning up the kitchen or eat breakfast if I didn't get a chance to and things like that but before diving into work or writing a blog post or anything, I read.  So every time I say I feel really behind on everything...I mostly mean feel really behind on everything besides reading.

7) Scheduling Posts
My sister and I are on the committee for kids' school's dinner auction, we handle all the marketing.  This is our second year and it's more manageable this year!  Part is that we've done it all before but also because late in the game last year I learned that we can schedule posts on the socials and that is seriously saving me.  I've been batch posting and scheduling out things so I can do this when I have a little more energy and not at 9pm when I realize I hadn't posted what I meant to yet for that day.  It is making it so. much. easier.  And I can do this all on my computer which is nice too so the auction work doesn't use up the time I've allocated for myself for Instagram each day! (I know the password to bypass this limit but if I don't have it kick me out it can easily get out of hand.)

8) Planning for Summer
I spent January booking some things for summer and I was just texting with Matt earlier today about some more plans.  This will be a strange summer with him still in school but having some things to look forward to, getting in some camping trips per usual, helps give me something to look forward to.  Also, just know from experience that the summer will fly by so making some intentional plans now really helps us make the most of that time!

That's a few things making these cold, dark months a little easier.  How about you?