Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rest in Peace

The world lost dear person on Christmas Eve.  Marge and Dave were my parents' neighbors for 25 years, from the time we moved in (I was 3) until about a year ago.   They were the best neighbors anyone could ever hope to have.   I remember calling them our "adopted grandparents" when we were growing up; that's basically what they were to us.  Marge would always have cookies for us when we'd have to run next door to borrow an egg or get a key (we seemed to lock ourselves out a lot).  She made us hand-drawn cards for every birthday growing up.  Dave did woodworking and made my parents multiple things and my sisters & I each something when we got married.  They would always watch our house when we were on vacation and leave little notes about the weather on each day's mail (something my sister Erin has carried on when she housesits for us).  We used to go to their house for tornado warnings since they had a basement and we didn't.  We celebrated Christmas with them every year; I still use the hairdryer they gave me when I was 14.  They had a huge, huge garden and would take nightly walks around it, often interrupted by talks with someone in our family.  It's impossible to imagine what my childhood would have been like without them next door.  They moved into assisted living about a year ago.  We got the word during 10pm Mass on Christmas Eve that Marge had passed away.  I know she is painfree and at peace now.  That brings comfort.

As Jen said, all other neighbors will always be measured by Marge & Dave.  None will ever come close.  Rest in peace, Marge.  You will be missed. 

Marge's online obituary