Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Would you do it again?

The big test of how successful any experiment is if you would do it again.  Rewatch a movie, remake a recipe, reread a book, repeat a workout, etc.  There are plenty of things that are ok once but it's not worth your time/expense/effort a second.

The other day Matt was asked if, knowing what it took, if we would still do the whole adoption process.


I don't know how the answer could be anything besides a resounding YES at this point.  Yes, it was long.  Yes, it was stressful, emotional, exhausting, etc.  But look what we got out of it:

We would 1000% do it all over again to get this guy.  I honestly feel that everything we went through, infertility - adoption wait, was so we could be the parents to this little man.  I firmly believe we were meant to be his parents all along and he was meant to be our baby. 

And, unless we miraculously end up pregnant, we plan to go through the whole adoption process again.  And again.  And maybe again.  =)  It's worth the wait, stress, time, money, and opening up our home and lives to complete strangers.  Luke will always be worth it.  His shirt says it all:

P.S. We've already started to get questions of when the second one is coming...and we've decided when we are going to start the adoption process again.  But right now we're just enjoying being parents to this little guy.


Pennylane4647 said...

Beautiful post! So happy for you guys - little Luke is the luckiest baby to have you two for parents.

Lauren said...

He seems like he was totally worth it!!! I'm so glad that you found each other <3 And how exciting to think that someday there will be another little person for you to find :) But for now, yes, enjoy Luke!!! They grow so fast....

diana said...

Thank you, Monica! We hope he is lucky! Haha.
Lauren - yes! He's already growing so fast!