I make these lists and feel like the senses of the season are so obvious but it's fun to look back and see how much changes in just a few months. I LOVE that we live somewhere with noticeably different seasons and all the wonderful things that brings! Cheers to summer, you are the best one.
1) Smell
Sunscreen, freshly mowed grass, open house, plenty of fresh fruit, sweaty little boy (not stinky, yet!). Ahhhhhhh...
2) Taste
Come on, if you've been around here awhile you know there's plenty of ice cream being made and drinks being consumed but even more regularly...sun tea. Daily. I love that stuff.
3) Hearing
I've made a summer playlist for the last decade plus but since I super rarely listen to the radio now, this year I made, what turned out to be, a "best of summers" playlist, going back to my childhood with The Beach Boys and Summertime Blues (I was NOT alive when those songs first came out but it's what my parents listened to so it's what I grew up listening to!), to high school with some Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears, and more recent country like Kenny Chesney and Carrie Underwood. It's 55 songs long and I find it delightful. Every one takes me back to some summer of my life.
4) Sight
Backyard pool, lake sunsets, water (lots of water), flowers, green grass...everything is so pretty (until we don't get any rain for a month and my grass dies...but we aren't there yet!).
5) Touch
Bare feet in the grass, shorts, sweating in the heat (not the most pleasant but it happens), cold water from the pool or the lake, sun on the skin. Ahhhhh....
Summer, you are the best.
What are your favorite senses of summer??
Christmas senses
Spring senses