Friday, June 7, 2019

Looking Back at May

May was a month.  I was pulling pictures for this post and it was hard to believe all of these things happened in the same month!  We had our drive-in anniversary date, Mother's Day, our actual anniversary, three lake trips (one of those a day trip just to open the cottage), the end of school year, and A LOT of zoo trips.  I hate saying we've been busy but the days have been full, packing in everything that comes with the end of the school year and the beginning of summer!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Reflections on Mother's Day
2 years ago: Fun with Flamingos
3 years ago: If I Could Write a Letter to Me...
4 years ago: The Interrelated Woes of my Foot and Adoption (this is very relevant to things happening right now!)
5 years ago: Easy No Sew Curtain
6 years ago: An Ode to our (former) Jet Skis
7 years ago: APPROVED!
8 years ago: 5 Years =)

1) Our drive-in anniversary date and our first kid-free, just the two of us date in WAY TOO LONG.  More frequent drive-in trips is one of the things I miss most from our pre-parenting lives.
2) We took a bike ride downtown mainly just to see the tulips.  I was not disappointed.
3) Blooming trees while running in the park!
4) It took me TOO long to realize that getting a run in on the way to school pick-up was one of the most ideal times.  Only one kid to take along and we walk to pick-up most days anyways!  Plus, limited time to procrastinate actually getting out the door!
5) Planting the flowers for Luke's playhouse flower box!  We checked off another one!
6) Making nutella turnovers, I ate 3 of the 4.
7) Flamingos in the backyard!  These make me happy.
8) Pre-sunset at the lake.  Missed this.
9) Sunrise from our bedroom window.  Could tell before I even opened the blind that it was going to be amazing!
10) Luke watching the sea lions at the zoo!
11) Sam watching a tiger at the zoo!
12) Sunset at the lake, one of my favorite times of day there.
13) Not my normal reading view!
14) Out on the pontoon at the lake.  Never feels like summer until we've been out on the water.
15) The balloon garland we put up for the boys' birthday party two months ago finally fell too many times.  We are still kicking balloons from it around the house.
16) Kayaking at the lake, Sam was alternately chill about it and trying to stick his leg in the water.

Books finished: 17!
Miles ran:
31.6.  Slowly making running progress!
Currently watching:
The only thing worth watching in the summer: American Ninja Warrior. 
Most read post this month:
Sweet Tea Margaritas, quickly became one of my most read drink posts!
Luke's current favorite song: "The Star Wars song" I think he means both the main theme and Darth Vader's theme.

June brings all kinds of summer fun, me still trying to figure out how to balance my responsibilities with having Luke home all the time, and, hopefully, a whole lot of reading (not going well so far).

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