Thursday, January 17, 2019

19 in 2019

Last year I made an 18 in 2018 list and I really liked the practice of it, dreaming of what projects we could accomplish by the end of the year.  This feels easier than a resolution because they are usually very specific with an end goal.  I also like some motivation to get things done and crossing things off a list is always a good one for me.  I love spending the early part of the year dreaming and planning for what the next 12 months could bring.

BUT...Turns out, life had other plans last year.  Between getting a surprise baby early in the year and then Matt switching jobs which lead to a lot of unplanned overtime, we didn't have the time we thought we would last year for projects. 

In 2017 we knocked out refinishing the floors of 1/3 of our house; building a swingset in the backyard; completely repainting, including the wood trim to white, our bedroom; AND Matt built shelves for our front room.  So I thought we could definitely get the projects done in 2018.  NOPE. 

We finished 5½ of the 18 things on last year's list:

8) Finish Luke's swingset
This it the half, Matt put A LOT of time into the playhouse (might also be why many of the other things on the list didn't get done) and it's about 75% done but had to stop work for the winter.  It is fully usable (and Luke has spent hours playing out there already) but needs some finishing details. 

13) Frame canvases
"We" did this (I measured and did the painting, Matt did the cutting and assembly).
14) Bullet Journaling
I do this and have a post planned to talk about how I use it.  But I've had that post planned for 9 months...
16) Green Smoothies
We did make some green smoothies but aren't in a steady routine of having them.
17) Take Luke to Storytime
I took Luke for the first time the week before we got Sam.  Then we didn't go again for months but got back in a pretty steady routine of going in the summer, before Luke started kindergarten.  I hope to go many times over the summer.  And eventually take Sam regularly, when he's a little bigger.
18) Rework thread organization    
Did do this.

So even though the list was a bit of a failure, I still liked the practice of it.  I've just learned to dream a little smaller.  In many ways, we didn't have the 2018 we planned but also, the biggest reason (Sam) was a very good one!   For 2019 I'm being slightly more realistic, smaller projects, less involving Matt building things.  My word of the year is discipline and so some of those nagging tasks that need done are showing up here. 

Nagging Tasks
1) Renew passports
Ours are both expired but we are still in an easy renewal window.  This is largely finding the time to get the pictures taken.  And maybe not looking like we immediately need a tropical vacation in them.

2) Fill all the nail holes & paint
Matt built shelves for our front room over a year ago.  More than 6 months ago he built photo ledges for the kitchen.  Both projects displaced things that had hung on the wall with nails.  I have yet to fill and repaint those holes, along with various other ones around the house.  It'll take MAYBE 2 hours so I just need to do it.

3) Use some of our compost 
Matt built me a compost bin 8 years ago, even needing stitches from the project.  We are good about adding to the compost but we haven't used any of it.  We need to get better about mixing it, adding not just fruit peels/cores, and then actually use some of it.  

House Projects
4) Put hooks in the stairway
We don't have the space for a super organized mudroom or drop zone but I want to put in a rail of hooks in our stairs, which is right next to the door where we usually come and go from the house.  Luke's backpack needs a better spot than just hanging on a dining chair, which is where it has been this whole school year.

5) Replace porch ceiling fan
A repeat from last year's list but I really want this one done.  I have a fan picked out, sale stalked it too long and now it's out of stock.  So.  Back to the drawing board/Google search.

6) Replace night stands
Another repeat although we've moved from building to buying.  I'd really like larger, matching nightstands for us both, with at least one drawer.  The ones I initially picked out were $500 each.  Matt said no.

7) Replace house numbers
Another repeat although it might also move from making to buying.  I've been looking on Etsy already.

8) Sand down & repaint Luke's bedroom door
Two-ish years ago attacked his bedroom door with either Duplos or a Crucifix, or both at different times.  It has A LOT of divots in the ~10 layers of paint.  This one could be knocked out in a weekend but I need Matt to do the sanding since it's too rough on my RA joints.  Planned for the spring.

9) Add flower boxes to playhouse
One of the finishing details and the one real suggestion I've had.  I'm thinking we'll just buy something at Lowes and Matt can attach.

10) Plant a lilac bush/tree
We had one when we moved in but it kinda rotted/died and was torn out.  I have a spot in mind, just need to make it happen.   (At least half this list so far could just be accomplished with a good, expensive, Lowes trip.)

Kinda Fun
11) Fill kitchen picture ledges
Matt installed the kitchen picture ledges in the summer.  They are filled but some of the frames are still sporting the pictures they came with.  It just takes a little hunting to get those filled and then we can stop looking at the stock images.

12) Find a daily lip color
I am a dedicated lip balm user but I'm horrible at actually using anything with real color.  I'd like something easy I could wear daily, subtle color but that would make me look less pale.  Suggestions welcome on brands, types, etc!

13) Find a delicate, short necklace
Matt will probably get me this for Valentine's Day or our anniversary, depending on how quick I am at finding what I'd like.  I've been wanting one for years but never think to look for one until about a week before a gift-receiving holiday.

14) Figure out map for travels 
For over a decade we've had a map, that came in the mail for free,  hanging in our basement stairs and I've put a star sticker on it for all the places we've traveled together.  Then Luke ripped it and it's missing a chunk.  I mean, as long as we don't go to Mexico or Texas we're good but I'd also like a better option, maybe something we could differentiate where we've gone just the two of us and where we've taken the boys.  Also, I need someplace to hang this because our walls are kinda maxed out, at least the parts I'm willing to fill without completely covering them.

New Habits
15) Organize Luke's school papers 
Luke brings home a crazy amount of papers from school.  Right now I sort through it once a month and then keep my favorites but I know I am keeping too much.  I'm thinking some sort of filing system like this.  

16) Go on 4 dates with Matt
We are horrible at getting a sitter and going on dates outside of our house.  Mostly when we have evening sitters (not that often) it's to do things with other people.  We usually at least have our anniversary drive-in trip but last year we took a 2 month old Sam with us.  I'm aiming for once a quarter; it would be really nice to have more time together, away from the house.

17) Read 6 chapter books with Luke
I know he has the capacity to listen to longer stories; he's been a good podcast listener for over a year.  We've already finished one book and he seemed to like it, I have so many ideas for books to read to him.  I also need more library holds because we're still reading a lot of picture books too.  It might be time for the baby to get a card.

18) Order 6 photobooks (2018, Sam year 1, Luke year 6, NYC, Las Vegas, summer 2019 vacation)
The almost 6 months from when we got Sam until Luke went to kindergarten just felt crazy.  I never felt like I was on top of things and just didn't have much time to do anything besides parent, keep everyone fed, and keep the house reasonably clean.  (And read books, I guess.)  So I am behind on my photobooks.  I have 6 that should be ordered this year, 4 of them in progress already.  

19) Integrate 3 essential oils in our lives
I've been hearing about these FOREVER and we've finally started to, slowly, use them.  There are supposed to be all kinds of benefits and I should research that because I hate using them just because everyone else seems to be.  But, suggestions welcome if you have ones you regularly use and see a benefit to.

I think this list is less ambitious than last year's and I know we aren't getting a baby early in the year again so maybe, maybe, we'll get these all done.  At the very least, we should do better than 5½ of them!

Do you make a 19 in 2019 list?  Do you have suggestions for me, because I could use them on a lot of these!