Monday, August 24, 2020

Mixed Drink Monday: Fizzy Pineapple Punch

I have bought a decent amount of pineapples in my day, a lot of them (although not nearly all!) showing up as props here on the blog.  Of course, we always eat the pineapple then but there are definitely times I add them to the grocery list because I'd like to have one as a prop.  And in ALL those pineapples I've bought, this is the very first one I remember having that actually still had the razor sharp spikes on the top.  If you look close at some the pictures you can see it.  I've been to a pineapple farm, I've bought a lot of pineapples, but I never really understood how painful picking a pineapple could be until I bought this exact pineapple.  Now I get it.

This drink is one of my beloved pitcher drinks, where I mix up a pitcher and it lasts me for a weekend or a few days.  This was also a favorite of Luke because it is made non alcoholic and therefore, he got to have some.  He may have been equally excited by the leftover Sprite that he also got to consume but he did like having one of my "special drinks".

To be fair, I did add tequila to my own glass since I have grown rather fond of the combination of limes and tequila.  I fully blame the margaritas for that one.  This was on a long lake weekend that was supposed to be the start of our vacation week before COVID ruined that for us so a little tequila to sooth the (adult) pain was ok.  Being on a beach vs repainting the outside of our house...not a hard choice there!

This is easy to mix up, is great for kids and adults, is easy to make "adult", and mixes some of my favorite summer flavors with a little bit of bubbles.  Great pick for summer!

One year ago: Tropical Painkiller
Two years ago:
Mucho Gusto (one of the most popular ones I've ever posted!)
Three years ago: Frozen Coconut Mojito

Four years ago: Summertime in a Glass

Five years ago: Homemade Strawberry Wine Coolers
Six years ago: Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri & Sparkling Raspberry Lemonade

Fizzy Pineapple Punch
yield: 4-8 serving depending how big your glasses are!
-½ large (46oz) can of pineapple juice
-½ can (6oz) frozen limeade concentrate
-1 liter Sprite/something similar
-splash of tequila (optional)
-salt for rimming (I'm always using my favorite toasted coconut salt)

1) If you are rimming your glasses, rub a lime slice around the top and dip in salt.  Add ice to glass.
2) If you are serving immediately or soon, combine pineapple juice, limeade, and Sprite in a pitcher and stir.  If you are making ahead, hold the Sprite until just before serving.  Refrigerate and enjoy!

Source: Modified from The Chunky Chef
In the summer I aim to make a new drink every week and share them all here, good or bad!  See them all in chronological order by following the "Mixed Drink Monday" tag here or check out my favorites by scrolling down to "Mixed Drink Monday" on my recipes page

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