Wednesday, June 30, 2021

{36} Summery Picture Books

So, summer is busy.  I don't know if we are all rebounding HARD from 2020 or if I just forget what summer was like before COVID canceled everything last year but this summer has been packed full already.  Part of that might be due to our vacation and then being home less than a week before taking off on a camping trip.  By the time we recovered from both of those, June was gone.

Luke's done vacation Bible school and we're packing in zoo trips before our pass expires.  Trying to fit in bike rides and picture books and scheduling anything we can with anyone takes a lot more back and forths than I remember.  There's a reason that it was summer that finally made me pull out my first Simplified Planner and really start using it. 

At the end of May I posted a list of 30 picture books to kick-off the summer.  I said in that post that I intended to do one of those at the end of May, June, and July instead of doing one big picture book post at the beginning of the year.  WELL.  It turns out my computer time has been super limited, at least if I want to get a decent amount of sleep (and I'm realllllly pushing on what I should consider a decent amount, in bed, late, always).  So, here are the 36 picture books that have been living in our seasonal book basket for a month-ish now.  

I am rather proud of this selection I have curated, based on raiding the shelves in the boys' room for anything that felt even vaguely summer as well as specific summer books I had tucked away and supplemented with library books (we own about 75% of this list).  If you are looking for summer-y books, even if I stretch that definition a bit, here we go!

(I'm writing these in the exact order they sit in my basket, which means by approximate height, shortest to tallest.)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, links for which are included within this post, at no additional cost to you.  Thanks for helping support this blog!   Of course, utilize the library or shop used or from an independent bookstore, if you prefer! 

C is for Camping by Greg Paprocki
Huge fans of Greg Paprocki's alphabet books.  We own quite a few of the more seasonal ones and I've deemed this a summer one.  We even took it on our recent camping trip and Luke read it to Sam as we took down the tent.  It was perfect.

A is for America by Greg Paprocki
Summer feels like the most America-y time of the year for me, with red, white, and blue all over the stores (looking at you, Target dollar spot) by mid-May.  So this is a summer book for us and even Sam learned early on what the Statue of Liberty was.

Swashby and the Sea by Beth Ferry, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal
This is about a grumpy old man who reluctantly befriends a girl and her Grandma who move next door to his home by the sea.  We first read this on our recent vacation and then, a few nights later, were walking the beach around sunset when an older gentlemen offered to take our picture (with Matt's phone, not creepy).  After he walked away Sam leaned over and asked "Mom, is that Swashby?" because he did look similar.  It was pretty cute.

The Berenstain Bears Pirate Adventure by Mike Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears take a lot of beach vacations and we own many of them.  In this one the cubs uncover a shipwreck and play they are pirates.  My boys were a little disappointed that they didn't find their own shipwreck on the beach.

The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Vacation by Stan & Jan Berenstain
A classic, before the Bears moved to their beach vacations.  It always makes me feel better about any vacation mishaps we are having.

The Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed by Stan & Jan Berenstain
My childhood goal was to own all the Berenstain Bear books and this was one of my first and one of my favorites.  Their respective treehouse/clubhouses were just so cool.

The Berenstain Bears Go to Camp by Stan & Jan Berenstain
Sister and Brother manage to pack in A LOT for a week at camp.  Or more than a week?  It's not very clear but also, it's about walking and talking bears that are going to summer camp.  WHO needs clarity??

The Berenstain Bears and the Week at Grandma's by Stan & Jan Berenstain
I don't think either set of grandparents are looking to take on our kids for a week (too many other grandkids!) but it sounds like all the Bear family had a lot of fun when Mama & Papa went on a second honeymoon.

The Whale Tale Starring Jim Henson's Muppets by Muppet Press
According to the price sticker still on this book, it was bought at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago for $1.95.  I'm assuming by my parents.  I ended up with it when my Mom was cleaning out and it has fantastic pictures about a sea adventure Kermit has with his friends.

Seashore by Emily Shore, illustrated by Cinzia Battistel
We encountered very little of what is in this book on our seashore trip but I still took this along so we'd be prepared for what might be there!

The Berenstain Bears Lemonade Stand by Mike Berenstain
Yes, a lot of Berenstain Bears on this list.  Luke has been a HUGE fan of lemonade stands in the past although he hasn't asked to have one yet this summer.  Brother, Sister, and Honey have a really profitable one.

The Berenstain Bears Gone Fishin'! by Mike Berenstain
Luke LOVES fishing and Sam keeps asking when he'll actually get a hook on his pole so he can catch something (when he's older than 3).  We're not very successful as fishermen but they like trying.

Look out for Pirates by Iris Vinton, illustrated by H.B. Vestal
Luke was given this (old) book by his godfather many years ago and pirates are just summer-y since they are on the ocean and the ocean = summer (please don't argue with my logic).  There are many holes in this plot but they enjoy it.

Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee by Chris Van Dusen
Chris Van Dusen is one of our favorite picture book authors, almost all of his books are just outstanding.  Mr. Magee and his little dog Dee just want to spend some time on their boat on the sea but a rouge whale kinda messes up their plans.

A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee by Chris Van Dusen
NOW, Mr. Magee and his little dog Dee just want to go on a little camping trip (in the cutest little camper that always has me wondering if WE should get a camper) when a bear messes up their plans.

The Little Ice Cream Truck by Margery Cuyler, illustrated by Bob Kolar
We checked out this book not too long before the library shut down in March 2020.  We read it a lot and Sam realllllly liked it.  With all the extended due dates due to their extending the closure and then we maxed out our renewals on it...we had it close to 6 months and only returned it when we had too.  Definitely a Sam age book (he's 3) and the rhyming is fun.  I have it mostly memorized by this point.

Alfie by Thyra Heder
Turtles also are summery because of the dozens I've seen caught (and released) up at the lake (I have caught zero turtles myself).  Alfie belongs to Nia and thinks he's a smart turtle for trying to get Nia a birthday present to thank her for all she's done for him.  But turtles move rather slow.  This one is really cute.

Ocean! Waves for All by Stacy McAnulty, illustrated by David Litchfield
The Our Universe series by Stacy McAnulty is fantastic and we've bought most of them.  This one is, obviously, about the ocean and I'm not going to explain again why the ocean means summer.

Dandy by Ame Dyckman, illustrated by Charles Santoso
I have read this one a couple dozen times and it STILL would land in my top 10 picture books of all time (I've read well over 3000 so that's high praise).  I think it's pretty clever and the boys like it too.

Squish Squash Squished by Rebecca Kraft Rector, illustrated by Dana Wulfekotte
A recently addition from a stop at a bookstore I've long been supporting but never visited (until 3 weeks ago!).  It felt appropriate for our road trip where our Pilot was rather stuffed (there was a reason we took that vehicle and not our car). 

The Box Turtle by Vanessa Roeder
Another turtle book we really enjoy about a turtle that was born without his shell and so he sets off to find something to make-up for that.  It's a very sweet story about personal acceptance and finding friends.

The Berenstain Bears Go on Vacation by Stan & Jan Berenstain with Mike Berenstain
Yes, more books about the Bears on vacation.  This one is told in rhyme and one of my all-time Berenstain Bear favorites.  It's really perfect for a beach vacation (I specifically remember checking it out and taking it on Luke's first beach trip, we've since bought it.)

Dusk Explorers by Lindsay Leslie, illustrated by Ellen Rooney
This captures the evening freedom I remember so clearly from my own childhood.  It seems like we were frequently having big parties in the summers, either with family or the 4-H club, it probably wasn't as often as I feel like they were but the memories are strong.  My kids don't have quite the space to run around here as at my parents' but I love sharing this with them.

Izzy and Frank by Katrina Lehman, illustrated by Sophie Beer
Izzy is a redhead living in a lighthouse whose best friend is a seagull Frank.  Then Izzy has to move and she's a little lost without her friend.  The pictures are darling.  We don't own this one (yet).

The Great Indoors by Julie Falatko, illustrated by Ruth Chan
We first read this one right after an extended family camping trip 2 years ago and I found it rather humorous to read after a weekend spent in a tent.  I took it along to read on our recent camping trip and I ended up reading it to the boys, in the Pilot, at approximately 10pm while we were getting torrential  rain.  Matt didn't find it's humor as ironic then.  You can appreciate it even without the nightmare camping experience.  (By the time we had been home 2 days and would catch a picture on my phone, I'd think "Oh, camping was so fun!"  When I shared this sentiment with Matt he just gave me a look.  He's not over the rain yet.)

Here Comes Ocean by Meg Fleming, illustrated by Paola Zakimi
A Sam level book about a kid exploring the ocean from the beach.  Very cute and beach trip appropriate (it's still in our basket at home).

Goldfish on Vacation by Sally Lloyd-Jones, illustrated by Leo Espinosa
Luke & Sam LOVE this book about pet goldfish who get to go on vacation in the Hamilton Fountain in Manhattan.  And it's based on a true story!  If only Luke had his long wanted goldfish AND there was a fountain taking them for the summer.

Explorers of the Wild by Cale Atkinson
A boy and a bear both love exploring the wild but get a bit of shock when they come across each other.  The pictures are great and it seems to take place in the summer so...summer book.

Turtle and Tortoise are Not Friends by Mike Reiss, illustrated by Ashley Spires
There is snow in this book, it is still summer because TURTLES.  This turtle and tortoise are in the same enclosure at the London zoo (notice the changing skyline behind them) and they are NOT friends.  But turtles/tortoises live a long time and so they are long stuck with someone they don't like.

Down Under the Pier by Nell Cross Beckerman, illustrated by Rachell Sumpter
This evokes such a feeling of summer even if I'm not sure I've ever been under a pier (and The OC made it seem like only bad things happened under piers).  It has the "get a kid a present but they want to play with the box" vibes.

To the Beach! by Linda Ashman, illustrated by Nadine Bernard Westcott
I just featured this one last week but it was a hit and now it's in the basket to reread until we can't return it!  One Luke declared funny when he read it to himself before I read it aloud.

Randy Riley's Really Big Hit by Chris Van Dusen
Obviously, baseball = summer.  This about a boy who is NOT good at baseball but is good at robots and maybe there will come a time when he'll make-up for his lack of baseball skills but having a baseball playing robot save the day (it makes sense in the book). 

Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall
Another one of my all-time favorite picture books.  Jabari is going to the public pool with his Dad and sister and is going to jump off the high dive.  He's definitely going to do it.  He really is.  He's going to do it.  Fantastic lesson AND evokes such a feeling of childhoods spent at the pool (which was not my life but I saw it in Stranger Things).

Sun by Sam Usher
The Summer book in a little series about the seasons.  A bit of magic and pirates make an appearance.

Hello Lighthouse by Sophie Blackall
Another one we just talked about Friday because it's one of Sam's current favorites.  Lighthouses make me think of Cape Hatteras which I visited (twice) in the summer SO, lighthouses = summer (this is also an outstanding picture book).

Over and Under the Pond by Kate Messner, illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal
Kate Messner's Over and Under series is just FANTASTIC and this one makes me think of the "lake" attached to our lake where we'd visit once or twice a summer (at idle speed or by kayak), where there is a whole world living over and under the surface.  Perfect for those ponds you don't want to swim in but can appreciate all the life they hold.

There was a point a week or two ago that our summer basket held even MORE books but once it was over stuffed I knew some had to go back to the library so I culled it down to this.  All winners and ones we will pull out again and again this summer to supplement all our newer library check-outs!  

Let me know if you find any winners for you here or have anymore good, summer themed picture books!