Tuesday, August 10, 2021

{12} Picture Books for Back to School

As much as I don't want to think about it or accept it...back to school time is here once again.  Somehow Luke's onto his FOURTH year of school (I'd like someone to please explain to me how that is possible because I still think he's about 6).  Sam's school starting is creeping up way sooner than I would like (not this year yet!!) too.  

So, supplies have been bought, all new uniforms too (his last set mostly lasted 1¾ school years and have been packed away for Sam!).  We've met the teacher and found his new classroom.  Now it's just soaking in those last days of summer and enjoying being a YES parent on his last day of summer vacation (really, almost anything besides fire and sledgehammers goes, luckily his requests are more for screen time and ginger ale.).  

As much as I hate to pack away and return the perfectly curated summer book basket (some will stay out a few more weeks), these are some of the books that will be replacing them.  (I also have great affection for our fall book supply so it's exciting to think about getting those out in a few weeks, as much as I am in no hurry for the cold weather.)  It seems seasonal books are some that I am most willing to buy, which doesn't completely make sense since they are all only out for a few weeks or month BUT, also, I've really been leaning into changing with the seasons so it both tracks and doesn't for me.  We all contain multitudes.

Some of these are more for kids starting school for the first time but some are classics that I will still be reading to Luke many times in the coming weeks.  Enjoy! 

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Click, Clack, Quack to School! by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Betsey Lewin
My boys got pretty into the Click Clack books last year and this was a fun addition for the school time.  Of course, knowing how things go with these farm animals, school isn't going to be easy.

S is for School: A Classroom Alphabet by Greg Paprocki
We LOVE Greg Paprocki's alphabet books and own many of the seasonal ones (Sam even got one for his adoption day this week!), including this one.  Fantastic primer for young kids heading off to preschool or the preschool age with older siblings headed off to school. 

The Berenstain Bears Go Back to School by Stan, Jan, and Mike Berenstain
There is nary a holiday or season that the Bears haven't touched at least once, many multiple times.  And we've read many of them.  Brother and Sister are headed back to school as old pros but are still nervous heading into a new school year.  By day 2 they have this down (will our school year start as smoothly? We'll see!)

School's First Day of School by Adam Rex, illustrated by Christian Robinson
I LOVED this one about a new school building who was VERY nervous for its first day of school.  Would the kids like him?  Would he make any friends?  It's a sneaky way to explore first day feelings with kids!

If I Built a School by Chris Van Dusen
Chris Van Dusen is one of our all-time favorite picture book authors and his "If I Built" series is absolutely fantastic.  This one is if Jack built his own school, all the things it would have in it.  Let me tell you, my boys think Jack's school looks like way more fun than any school they will ever attend.  Also breeds creativity for what kids would include in their own school!

The Pigeon HAS to Go to School by Mo Willems
Another gold standard of the picture book genre, Sam has gotten really into the Pigeon books lately and I was so excited when my hold came in when this was new that I sat down to read it to myself as soon as we were home from the library.  The Pigeon doesn't know why HE has to go to school, he already knows everything!  Fantastic all the time.

The Berenstain Bears Go to School by Stan & Jan Berenstain
The OG of Berenstain Bear school books, Sister is headed off to her first day of school, in a magic school house that expands to hold multiple classrooms ala the Weasley's tent.  Perfect for new kindergarteners!

First Day Critter Jitters by Jory John, illustrated by Liz Climo
Another fantastic series about a group of animals who all have their own specific concerns about the first day of school, making friends, fitting in, etc. (We also enjoyed the Summer Camp book even though my kids have no experience at all with summer camp.).  I most identify with the Sloth's worried about being late.  You all, there isn't a single morning in the past 2½ months that we've been changed and fed at the time we'll soon be leaving for school!

The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing, illustrated by Julie Durrell
Obviously this has a very specific audience to new kindergartners but my sister passed on an extra copy of this to Luke which we read the night before he started kindergarten (between my tears...I started crying EARLY).  

Kindergarten Luck by Louise Borden, illustrated by Genevieve Godbout
Another one very specific to kindergarten, Theodore finds a shiny penny on his way to breakfast on his first day of kindergarten and is convinced that will give him good luck on his first day of school.

Time for School, Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle, illustrated by Jill McElmurry
Two disclaimers, one, I haven't read this one yet even though I bought it.  Just saving for closer to our start date!  Second, none of the Little Blue Truck books have been as good as the first two but I keep buying them anyways because we do still enjoy them.  This is more of an FYI, there's a new Little Blue Truck book!

1, 2, 3, Off to School by Marianne Dubuc
Again, we haven't read this one either because my library hold hasn't come in yet BUT we have really enjoyed so many of her past books, the details she packs into each full page picture is just astounding.  We've read some many times and still find new things we missed each time.  So I am just going to assume this one is great too!

Let me know if you have any more I should add to our basket!