Friday, August 27, 2021

Things I Like - August 2021

I always enjoy hearing what works for other people and I like sharing things I like, it's part of the reason I have a blog.  I've been doing these monthly posts for 9 years and they also provide a nice little snapshot in my life at a moment in time! See more here!

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1) Lego fish tank set
Matt sent me a link to this on pre-order sometime in the early summer.  I kept that link open in my phone's browser for TWO MONTHS because I really liked it and who doesn't appreciate a good Lego set??  I even sent it to him as a potential birthday idea for me even though it wasn't released until after my birthday.  At which point Matt hadn't gifted it to me (he gave me a different Lego set) and I ordered it myself.  I justified this by making it an "end of summer" activity for Luke and I, we worked on it over the last 3 days before school started and it was SO MUCH FUN to do a set together with him.  Plus, it is about the cutest Lego set I have ever seen.  He gets a fish tank, we got some bonding time, and I don't have any stinky fish smell.  WIN ALL AROUND.

2) Senita Sports Bras
Here's the thing, I am currently running about 4 days a week.  Until a month ago I only had one sports bra for running and I only do laundry once a week.  You can smell the problem there.  I finally bought myself two new sports bras and it was life changing.  I still usually wear them each twice between washes but it is a HUGE improvement over my 4ish times.  Also the ones I got are very cute and it's exciting to have something new (and needed) to help me stay motivated to run!  I got a Strappy Sports Bra and Cross Paths Sports Bra.  I was worried about getting tangled in the straps of the strappy one but so far, so good.  

3) Flow Camping Puzzle
Speaking of cute, isn't this puzzle ADORABLE??  This was a birthday gift from my parents (maybe heavily suggested after I put it on Elfster which I know my Mom checks for birthday gifts).  We did a bit of camping this summer, which brought back SO MANY MEMORIES of my childhood camping trips, and it will be lovely to be reminded of all of that once it's cold and I have more time for puzzles (in the summer I run, in the winter I do puzzles).  The picture is just so charming and sweet.

4) Target rope coil baskets
Shockingly, Matt found these and suggested I buy some, which, for some reason, I did even though I didn't have a designated spot or need for them. (Who even am I and what is going on??).  We were surprised by the quality (good surprised) and are convinced that they really could be uncoiled into a long piece of rope (we haven't tried this).  One ended up in the boys' room to hold their matching Lemur blankets (not in use this time of year).  One became our library return basket since my old one was broken and never big enough (we've overflowed this one too), and the last replaces a metal basket that was scratching our wood floors and holding board books.  My impulse shopping worked out for once!

5) Ask Father Josh podcast
This is a relatively new find but I really appreciated and enjoyed it lately.  Fr. Josh is a Catholic priest who answers questions that people send in about faith.  He makes it very clear that he is no expert and he prays and discerns and gives the best answer he can.  He's a little goofy (he broke into singing the Wild Thornberries theme song a few weeks back) but that makes it light hearted, especially when dealing with trickier topics.  He gives me a lot to think about and consider and sometimes a laugh too. 

Those are some things I've been enjoying lately!  I'd love to hear what you've been enjoying too!

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