Friday, January 28, 2022

Things I Like - January

Welcome to things I like for January!  This is a bit heavy on Christmas purchases because, thankfully, our spending always slows down (besides recent vacation bookings) in January.   But still, a few things that I've been liking lately!

I always enjoy hearing what works for other people and I like sharing things I like, it's part of the reason I have a blog.  I've been doing these monthly posts for 9 years and they also provide a nice little snapshot in my life at a moment in time! See more here!  Some affiliate links may be included!

1) Classic Literary Locations True South Puzzle
I bought this puzzle on a whim from The Bookshelf on my precious 40ish minutes there at the start of our 20 hour drive home from Florida last summer.   I really only do puzzles in the winter so this is one of the first ones I pulled out in January, as I alternate between easier and more time consuming puzzles.  This is 500 pieces so on the easier side but it was such a delightful one to put together where the pieces are unique and all the words made it easy to find but not TOO easy  (I still did it all in a weekend.)  I was impressed with the color and the quality too.  I may or may not (definitely am) getting another puzzle from them for Valentine's Day (I may or may not have ordered it myself)(I did).  It was a fun one.  And made in the USA!

2) Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea
This was a recommendation from Anne Bogel at Modern Mrs. Darcy (I am always a bit pleased with myself when I remember where I first hear of things because it doesn't happen often.).  It seemed like an excellent seasonal option for the Christmastime and I delight in few things like I do seasonal items and themes.  My first cup I definitely brewed a bit too long (I have a strong tendency to forget I am brewing tea) but then I started to remember it and it became a wonderful taste for my December.  It's caffeinated so I only drank it in the mornings (95% of when I drink tea anyways) and it just felt like something nice and special for December until I finished undecorating in January.  I only used about half the tin and have the rest in a cupboard with my Christmas dishes and cookie jars (yes, a whole cupboard) until next Thanksgiving weekend!

3) Target Snowflake Double Lined Cozy Socks
I now own 3 total pairs of these socks in 2 colors and they keep my feet so warm and happy in the winter.  They take an extra few seconds to put on, to straighten out those double layers but so far, with multiple wearings, I haven't had any problems with them slipping around once they are on.  I like these navy pair pictured the most but Target does have a few other options if that's not your preference.  The double layers fit just fine in my riding boots or rain boots (my main outside shoes in the winter) and the patterns make me happy too!  Really, warm cozy feet go a long ways towards making me happy this time of year.

4) Essie Amuse Me Nail Polish
I've lost track of the number of nail polishes I have recommended here in the past few months (and I'm a bit scared to look back and see).  I am a SUCKER for a good blue, especially a darker than baby blue, and this filled a nail polish hole I didn't know I had.  I make little seasonal nail polish collections (mostly in my head but I also group them that way in my closet) and the blues transcend all seasons because blue is the most perfect color.  I've worn this one a few times since I got it!

5) Red Notice
We spent November watching Ted Lasso and then December watching Christmas episodes and Baking It! (which was a complete delight but maybe less so in January than in December) so it had been awhile since we watched a whole movie together without the boys.  This was the one we watched on New Years and it was a popcorn-y fun action-ish movie.  Heist and people dressing up trying to trick each other.  It feels like we should have been watching it at the drive-in in the summer.  Not great cinema but it was just a lot of fun.  The only downside was that the big villain was the sound guy who almost tried to break up Jim & Pam on the final season of The Office.  I know, we all contain multitudes AND trying to break up Jim & Pam IS a villain move but still.  And the whole movie was a bit far fetched I guess.  STILL, it's worth noting.  On Netflix.

What have YOU been liking lately?

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