There was a time in my life that I collected snowman. Figures and dishes and various other snowman shaped and covered things. This came about because of a craft bazaar at my high school my senior year. My younger sister and I had just gotten our wisdom teeth out together the day before and were slightly hopped up on the pain meds still when we went to the craft bazaar. We were VERY giggly and decided that snowmen were really cute and bought each other one. I still have mine, it sits next to my stocking holder every Christmas! (My sister has since gone on even more of a minimalist rampage than me so I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have hers.)
I added to my collection for many years but don't really anymore. I still have many of the snowmen I once did but have pared down to my favorites or sentimental ones (which is still a good amount). They get spread all over the house at Christmas, along with my beloved bottle brush trees. I still have a soft spot for those circles of white.
So when my sister mentioned that her daughter (who is the cutest) really likes snowman and asked if I ever have done a book list for them...I realized I hadn't! Thus, this list was born. Then I realized I hadn't read as many snowman books as I had thought! An overlooked genre in my picture book reading.
Nevertheless, here are some snowman books we have enjoyed!
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Making a Friend by Tammi Sauer, illustrated by Alison Friend
This one is a fairly new addition but quickly became a favorite and we bought it. Beaver is very good at making things like his lodge and socks but he is not very good at making a friend. He just has a knack for giving or saying the wrong thing. But then he bumps into Racoon and they decide to make a snowman together! They can make their friend! But the snowman turns out to be a terrible friend. BUT...there is each other! It's very sweet and Sam was so excited when I pulled this one out again this year!
One Snowy Morning by Kevin Tseng, illustrated by Dana Wulfekotte
This is another that became a fast favorite. Squirrel and Chipmunk are walking in the woods when they find the strangest things stuck into a pile of snow. But they can use these things! There's a carrot to make soup and coal to start their fire and a hat that can be a table! They are rather inventive with their dinner party hosting. But then realize maybe somebody else could use these items so they put back into that pile of snow what is left. Sam finds it funny every single time how wrong they make the snowman at the end!
The Smiley Snowman by M. Christina Butler, illustrated by Tina MacNaughton
Small Fox, Little Bear, and Fluff Bunny have a great time building a huge, smiley snowman and they play with said snowman all afternoon. But when they come back the next morning, their snowman looks cold and no longer happy! What happened?!? Sparkly details on each page which are fun too!
The Snowman by Raymond Briggs
We just read this one again recently even though, according to what my Mom wrote in the front, I have owned it since early 1989. I usually stay away from wordless picture books but was delighted to revisit this one and remember how good it is. The boys were seated on either side of me and I assigned each of them their respective page to make up the story. They did a great job! I am now going to outsource all wordless picture books to them.
Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright, illustrated by Stephen Gilpin
Sneezy the Snowman is chilly outside so his friends try warming him up in various ways which is a terrible idea when one is a snowman. Everything they try ends with Sneezy in a puddle on the ground before the kids make him again. Eventually they figure out a way to keep Sneezy comfortable but not melting everywhere.
That's Not My Snowman by Fiona Watt, illustrated by Rachel Wells
These are lovely touch books for little ones but I still had to include here because Sam still has a soft spot for them when he sees them in the attic. You're looking for a specific snowman but each one in the book has something that isn't right, with different things to feel on each page. These were a big hit when Sam was younger.
The Snowman Waltz by Karen Konnerth, illustrated by Emily Neilson
One winter night under a starry sky, a dozen snowmen come to a clearing to do a waltz or something close to it. But wait, then some penguins show up to do their own dance in the same space. How are they going to share? Can the snowman and the penguin just get along?
Snowzilla by Janet Lawler
After a week of snow, a young girl and her brother decide to build the biggest snowman ever. They succeed but then their snowman becomes a sensation, with tourists pouring into the town. Not everyone is impressed with this giant snowman! Some say it must come down! What to do about the snowman haters?
Snowman's Story by Will Hillenbrand
One wintery day, a hat lands on the head of a newly made snowman and it brings him to life! Hiding inside the hat is a rabbit who listens to the snowman read to some animal friends. When the snowman falls asleep, the rabbit hops away with the book. And the snowman just can't stand for someone stealing his story!
Bonus books we read after I made the initial list!
There was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow by Lucille Colandro, illustrated by Jared Lee
When I first started reading this to my boys against this year I couldn't remember why I had saved it. She swallows a pipe?!?!?!? But then it all came together in the end, quite literally!
The Little Forest Keepers by Mary Lundquist
Ash and Pudd (an elf and a bird) take care of everyone in the woods but then one day there is a new strange creature in the forest! Given it's inclusion on this list, you can probably guess what that creature is!
Have you read any of these or any good snowman picture books? I need to add to my list!