Friday, September 6, 2024

Looking Back at August 2024

August was the big transition from summer to school.  Looking back at pictures, it feels like we got a lot into one month!  The month was nearly bookended with camping trips, had our best weather ever at Warren Dunes, many zoo trips, Matt finished a semester and ended the month on break, the boys started the month on break and are back into their school, had a niece get married where Sam was a ring bearer, we got 7 fish and successfully had 3 still alive at the end of the month, and Luke is fully in SPORTS season!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Being a Kindergarten Empty Nester (this transition was SO HARD)
2 years ago: Travel: Acadia National Park (remains one of our very favorite trips ever)
3 years ago: {10} Picture Books about Bees
4 years ago: Book Love: Florance Adler Swims Forever by Rachel Beanland (I should reread this book)
5 years ago: Back to School Routine (when I still had a tiny Sam home with me!)
6 years ago: Thoughts of a First Time Kindergarten Mom (oh man, this was ALSO a hard transition)
7 years ago:
Drive-In Love (Sam & I were just talking last night how we need to take the boys back to the drive-in.)
8 years ago:
Turning a Door into a Head Board (this is currently not in use, some day, since the boys have bunk beds but still very happy with this project)
9 years ago: Every Month I'm Cupboard Painting (this project feels SO LONG AGO)
10 years ago:
The Bathroom is Done!!! (basically)  This summer marked 10 years since our 6 weeks without a shower!
11 years ago: I made pillows!! (We still have these!)


1) Back home from trips and reading on the porch.  I just read out there this morning too!
2) And back to eating ice cream next to pools, we did this in the Outer Banks too.
3) Coloring while watching some Olympics at camp! Not the first Olympics we've watched from a camping cabin!  (This was a women's gymnastics event final, I forget which.  I scheduled my days around women's gymnastics that week.)
4) The best day we've ever had at Warren Dunes.  Water was 74°! Sand was hot but water was wonderful.  Some of those rare days Lake Michigan is actually tolerable.
5) Back at the zoo!  Made it quite a bit this month considering trips, school, and sports!
6) Picking raspberries from the backyard bushes we got for free! Not enough to do much with but a nice handful snack whenever we're out!
7) Morning glories are blooming! Although my favorite blue ones (which I definitely planted) haven't bloomed yet.  They are always last of all the colors.
8) Sno-cones to celebrate the first day of school!
9) Ice cream at a new place downtown to celebrate Sam's adoption day!
10) One of our surviving fish! Which isn't one of the 5 we bought but one we got from niece's wedding reception (we also had fish on the tables at our wedding!).  Only 1/5 of the ones we bought was still alive 4 days later...
11) Breakfast date with Matt after school started.  One benefit to that I guess.
12) Flowers from Matt!
13) Another ride at the zoo!  Took advantage of BOTH free zoo ride coupons for members. 
14) Not my sunflower, ours haven't grown in 2 years despite planting them.  But they are still so cheery.
15) Back at our beloved Jellystone, we are maybe collectively happier there than nearly any other place.  And in a fancier cabin since it was not prime season.
16) Golfing with Yogi.  I won. 

Books finished: 14, getting into a better reading routine with school starting.
Miles ran: 59.1, not as many as I wanted but took off a week at the start of the month to let a knee injury heal and then it was slow getting my miles back up after that. 
Currently watching: Matt & I have been watching old (like 18 years old) episodes of It's Always Sunny for lack of any other shows and no time for a movie by the time we get the boys to bed.  Very open to suggestions!  With the boys it's usually Dude Perfect or a movie (often broken up over two nights...)  They surprisingly very much enjoyed Snow White!
Most read post this month: Fizzy Flamingo, I still don't get it.  Then Kool-Aid Cookies which I DO get.
Luke's current favorite song:

Sam's current favorite song:  

September brings on fall!  In my mind, summer is somewhat over when school starts and REALLY over with Labor Day weekend.  Now we're anticipating fall, my biggest running month, Luke's biggest sports month of the fall, and Matt has already started his FINAL semester.  We're VERY MUCH looking forward to that being done.

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