We spent a lot of time this week working on the project. Monday was drywall, Tuesday my Dad came over to help start mudding and Matt & I did more drywalling, Wednesday was more mudding, Thursday was more mudding and sanding. Friday we decided we could take a night off. =)
The wall I tore out all by myself while Matt & Dad were mudding
Mudding is fun. Really.
End of the workday Saturday. Considering how big some of these gaps were, this is looking pretty good!
Today we did more mudding (this time with Carter's help). We're out of mud (again) but we're getting kinda close to being done. It was still too wet tonight to sand so we'll do that tomorrow and see what spots still need it.
After Sunday's mudding, everything has at least 2 coats, lots of spots have more.
Overall, I think the project is coming along pretty well. We've been working A LOT (I figure Matt & I are each around 55 hours in this) and it feels good to have done all this on our own (well, with help). 2 weeks ago (when we were at slats) I was not happy to have even started this project. Now, I think the drywall & mud even look better than the paneling that was there. We are close to painting and that part should go fast compared to all the work so far. Thanksgiving is throwing a kink in our work plans because we're pretty busy all weekend but we'll work around all the family stuff we have going on. Hopefully we should have all the dust proofing curtains down by Thanksgiving. That would be a major improvement. And then we can finally clean up the dust mess for good (it's not bad, especially compared to the plaster dust but it needs a little work).
Have a short work week, Thanksgiving, lots of time with our families, and feeling good about our project. Things are pretty good around here. =)