Monday, November 7, 2011

Kitchen project

Partially out of bordem, partially just for a change...I decided to paint our kitchen cabinets.  I was inspired by Pinterest (addicting website) and Ang owed me hours still from her boots so I talked her into helping me.  I've been talking about this for awhile and finally decided to start this weekend.  Matt wasn't so thrilled with this plan but didn't care if I did it.  Then...he started adding to the project.  He suggested painting the kitchen walls (covering the chalkboard paint) which is something I had thought about before.  So that got added.  Then (on Friday) he decided we should replace the back door.  The old one was wasn't very secure or insulated.  Replacing it had been on our project list for awhile.  Then yesterday he decided we should also replace all the outlets with the safety ones.  He really got pulled into the project. 

Saturday Ang came over to help.  Matt put up the new light.  We got the ceiling painted, lower cabinets painted, new door in (finally about 10:30pm, Ang was long gone at that point), most of the trimming done on the walls.  That was a really long day of work.  Matt & I finished at midnight.  So relieved when I checked facebook at some point in the evening and saw a post about daylight savings time.  I would have completely forgot about that extra hour of sleep otherwise and we really needed it.

New door in!
Sunday was a day of rest and we did that.  Well, closed the lake and Matt had karate but didn't work on the kitchen at all. 

Today we both had the day off together (again) and were back to work.  All the cabinets are painted and doors rehung, walls are all painted.  Tomorrow we do paint touch ups and then Matt has to finish the door (trim isn't back up yet).  Hopefully we can have a put together kitchen for a few days before we lay the new floor next weekend (at least that's the plan). 

It was exactly one year ago this weekend that we started the project from hell (the stairs) and this one is going so fast and smooth in comparison!!  I would have thought our house was messy on Saturday but after last year's plaster was nothing.  I can deal with a torn-up house for 4 days after last year's weeks and weeks of it.  Really makes every project seem like a piece of cake.  Until the bathroom.  Oh boy, that's the next one.

Kitchen before
Same corner after
Another before.  Even the shark had to go.  Ang was not happy that I made her erase it.
Corner after
Feels good to be this productive and get this project mostly done in a weekend.  It looks so much better.  I never had really planned on redoing the kitchen but this is definitely an improvement.  I'm glad I was inspired and Matt pushed for all the extensions to the project.  It's looking really nice.