I said in my 2018: Simplifying (resolutions) post that I had a decent project list for this year. An 18 in 18 list. A few of these are carry-overs from my "17 in 17" list (that I didn't post about) but MOST of them are new. And really, I can mostly pretend they are all new because I never shared that other list! Hahaha.
Some of these are bigger items (everything that involves building furniture). Some of them are mostly for Matt (again, everything that involves building furniture). But there is still a decent number here for me to do! Of course, those are mostly the shorter/easier ones. I am very good at delegating to him. It's one of the reasons he married me (that is sarcasm, mostly). So here are 18 projects of various expense and time, that we hope to get done this year!
1) Paint inside kitchen cabinets white
Two-three years ago I went through and painted the inside of all our upper kitchen cabinets. They went from a dated brown to a nice fresh white. Then I painted in the inside of our kitchen drawers. I LOVED the improvement and it made it so much easier to keep organized when they were clean, also it was really good motivation to get rid of a lot of stuff from those cabinets. Now I need to finish the lower cabinets. I've started, but they "need" done.
2) Replace porch fan/light
When we sanded down and refinished the original wood floor in there I didn't clean the fan of the sanding dust mess because I have never liked it and wanted to replace it. That was 18 months ago and the dusty fan is still there. This one needs to happen this year.
3) Replace house numbers
We've been told they are hard to see from the street/sidewalk. I was just going to unscrew and spray paint them but they are between two sheets of glass/plexiglass that are caulked in. So I want to make a new house number sign to be hung lower.
4) Replace coffee/end tables
This is in the "Matt is going to build these" category. I bought an end table I liked from Target (naturally) but it came broken and Matt decided the quality wasn't good enough to try to get it replaced. So it got returned and we are back to debating styles of the furniture for Matt to build. But then our front room upgrade will be complete!
5) Replace night stands
Also in the "Matt is going to build these" category. And will help finish up our bedroom make-over!
6) Replace night stand lamps
To go with the new night stands!
7) Redo Luke's walls
I mentioned last year that they are some weird material. We've finally decided we need to tear them down (and likely the plaster behind them) and put up drywall. The biggest problem of that is displacing Luke for a week-ish while it's done. He's been sleeping until 9-9:30 most mornings and NONE of us are in a hurry to have him getting up 2-3 hours earlier! So we need to figure out the timing of this one.
8) Finish Luke's swingset
Matt built one last year, with room for 3 swings and hanging rings but the final piece is adding a fort/clubhouse of sorts on the end (with a slide we pulled from the garbage, naturally). This one is entirely on Matt's list. I might help paint.
9)Buy blog domain name
Been on my mental list for YEARS. Whenever I can decide on a name.
10) Facebook page for blog
Probably shouldn't happen until the above does.
11) Rework blog past posts pages
I need to have them update automatically because I never make the time to do it.
Smaller Projects
12) Sew a baby quilt
I want to eventually make a t-shirt quilt from all the shirts we've bought on vacations but I need to start small. This seems like a doable starting point.
13) Frame canvases
Like the one sitting on top of my craft shelf and a few others around the house. Seems pretty straight forward. Maybe I'll even cut the wood myself! (I did make a dock 9 years ago...I am capable).
14) Bullet Journaling
I had never heard of this until a few months ago. Then it was every where. I started January 1st and I'm pretty excited, even if I'm not a super heavy user. But it's pretty and fun!
15) Macaroons
About the only kind of cookie I've been too intimidated to make myself! We bought some in New York and they were good but I mostly just want to say I can.
16) Green Smoothies
We need more greens in our lives and this seems like an easy/sneaky way to do it.
17) Take Luke to Storytime
Because he's months from leaving me FOREVER (starting kindergarten) and I've never taken him...even though I can almost see the library from where I sit on my computer typing this.
18) Rework thread organization
Mentioned in this post. I want something more uniform. Matt's probably going to get roped into helping me with this one.
And those are our 18 projects! We have a rough timeline/order to the bigger projects (the ones involving Matt) and I hope to knock out a few more of these by spring. You know I'll report back because what is a blog besides a way to say "look what I did!" to the internet.
Do YOU have an 18 in 18 list? Or what would be on yours if you did?