Friday, January 25, 2019

Things I Like - January

My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate links sprinkled in.  Thanks for helping support the blog! =)  See more here!

First off Backstreet Boys have a new CD coming out today, their first since summer 2013 (when Luke was TINY)!!  I pre-ordered the CD the day it was announced, then a few days later I bought concert tickets for later this year and those tickets (my sister is going with me not Matt) came with a free copy of the CD.  FINGERS CROSSED it is still delivered today.  Although the singles have been on the library Freegal so I could get 5 of them there if my CD is late (WHICH IT BETTER NOT BE).  I am very excited about this but I can't include it as one of my five items since I have only heard 4 songs as of this writing.  I trust everyone else ordered their copies MONTHS ago but, if not, you can do so here

Now, the real list.

1) Damask Sheet Set
When we got married my aunt gave us a nice sheet set that was instantly our favorite sheets.  They lasted nearly 10 years but now parts of them are here and one of the pillowcases might become Luke's dalmatian costume for 101 day of school.   When we got married we did register for a comforter/sheet set and while the comforter has not been used in years (and hit the garage sale pile awhile ago) we were still using the 200 thread count, not great sheets, every other time we changed them.  Why did those last almost 13 years but our favorites did not??  Anyways, Target cyber week sales got the best of me and I bought this set for something like 40% off and they are fantastic.  I kinda want a second set, the next time they go on super sale.  They are really soft and are exactly what I was looking for. 

2) The Good Place 
We watch a tv episode or two together about 4 nights a week, once the boys are in bed.  None of our regular shows were on in the fall and until we started watching holiday episodes, we were fumbling around, figuring out what to watch.  And there are few things I hate more than spending our rare child free time going through Netflix or Prime, looking for something to watch.  We started The Good Place right after Christmas and quickly got through season 1.  It's so nice to have a couple seasons of a funny show to catch up on!  "The Good Place" is some form of heaven but there isn't a strong religious overtone, either way.  Eleanor thinks she's been put there on accident.  It's made by the same guy as Parks & Rec and Brooklyn Nine-Nine (and he worked on The Office) and those are all shows we've really enjoyed.  I've heard the 3rd season isn't as good but we've just watched season 1 so far.

3) Warm Vanilla Sugar Lotion 
I hadn't been to or used Bath & Body Works products in years but my Mom had a bottle of this lotion on her bathroom counter and I was reminded by how much I really enjoyed this scent for the holiday time.  So, I made the trek to the Mall, in December, with both boys, to buy some for myself.  I used this for YEARS in the winter and the scent instantly took me back to Christmastime.  I used it until about when Luke went back to school (signaling an end to the holiday season) but I look forward to pulling it out again in November.  It really does smell so so good.

4) Stainless Steel Straws
Plastic straws have gotten some heat lately and I KNOW they are far from the worst problem in what we throw away BUT I like reducing our trash where I can and this seemed like an easy one.  I bought this set of 4 and put one in each of our Christmas stockings, even though Sam is far from needing or being able to use a straw.  We rarely eat out but I hope to get in the habit of taking them with us when we do and using them when we pick up gas station fountain drinks (frozen coke for me).  Plus, sometimes Luke just drinks his milk better with a straw so not a bad thing to have around.  

5) Target Order Pick-Up
I have yet to do any of the grocery curb-side pick-ups but I tried out Target's once when I was going a big stock-up of toilet paper, tissue cases, etc. and it was AMAZING.  I didn't have to take Sam out of the warm car, I didn't have to get out of the warm car other than to open my trunk.  I've gotten a little bit hooked.  I've done the pick-up many times where I go into customer service but not having to leave my parking space is even better.  I could have had most or all or these ordered shipped but I get a little sick at how much cardboard we go through (recycle) with all the online ordering we do, so this seems like no more work than having items delivered, uses less packaging, and saves me from breaking down boxes!

You do have to submit your order through the app, I guess to make sure you have it because they need it to know when you are there and to scan your barcode, so I can't get eBates on my order but I figure the saved hassle is worth it.  I think I've done 5 orders this way and it's so convenient to stop quick when we are out.   Plus, I save so much money and time by not wandering through Target!

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