Tuesday, January 29, 2019

{18} Winter Picture Books

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There is something so cozy about the idea of cuddling up with my 5 year old, with a pile of colder themed picture books, blankets, hot chocolate, on a snowy, wintery day. 

In actuality I'll have to ask about 5 times if he's ready to read books together, get unintentionally elbowed in the side at least twice, and have to read a superhero book first before we can get to the stack I so thoughtfully curated for us. 

But I do try to read a lot of seasonally appropriate books, although some of these we read year round, and OF COURSE there are often Star Wars or superhero books mixed in (in real life, not on this list). 

If you need a starting place for some picture books for cold winter day, here are 18 that we've read and enjoyed!

(And I am being a little generous with the winter theme, books featuring polar bears or penguins TOTALLY count even if we only ever see penguins in the heat of the summer at the zoo.)

1) Panda and Polar Bear by Matthew J. Baek
A polar bear is wondering if his snowy world is all there is until he falls into a world of pandas, and with mud on the polar bear, he fits right in.  Life is so different with these other bears!

2) Before Morning by Joyce Sidman, illustrated by Beth Krommes
A young child wishes for a snow day with her family, all at home together.

3) Toys Meet Snow by Emily Jenkins, illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky
Three toys, a stuffed buffalo, a stuffed stingray, and a rubber ball named Plastic, want to experience the wonders of snow together.  This is a standalone picture book but there is also a 3 book early chapter book series about the same characters.

4) The Thing About Yetis by Vin Vogel
The thing about Yetis is while they are known for living in the snow and loving all things winter, sometimes, just sometimes, they miss the summer.

5) Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter by Kenard Pak
If you are reading this when it's first published in late January, then we said goodbye to autumn months ago BUT this is one worthwhile to read next November.  Saying goodbye to all we love about the fall so we can willingly welcome winter.

6) Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright, illustrated by Stephen Gilpin
Sneezy the snowman is always cold so he keeps trying to warm up, which doesn't go so well for a snowman.  I don't know why he's named Sneezy because I don't think he sneezes once in the whole book but it was pretty delightful otherwise.

7) Penguin Problems by Jory John, illustrated by Lane Smith
This is a longtime favorite of ours - sure penguins live in the snow and cold but sometimes they are NOT happy about it.  Until a wise walrus gives his perspective.  I need this constant reminder to not be grouchy about winter.

8) Little Fox in the Snow by Jonathan London, illustrated by Daniel Miyares
A fox emerges from his burrow on a snowy, winter morning to explore this different world.  He is both a hunter and hunted before he returns so his safe, warm home.

9) Blizzard by John Rocco
The author's account of living through the blizzard of '78 that brought 53 inches of snow to his hometown in Rhode Island.  My parents lived through this in Indiana (before I was born) and it was so interesting to read more and see it illustrated!

10) One Cool Friend by Toni Buzzeo, illustrated by David Small
Elliot visits an aquarium with his father and sneaks a penguin back home to their house.  He has fun sneaking a penguin into his life there.

11) Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, illustrated by Mary Azarian
Wilson Bentley lived 100 years ago and was fascinated by snowflakes and figuring out how to photograph them.  He learned that every one is different but they are all beautiful.

12) Curious George in the Snow by Margaret Rey, illustrated by H.A. Rey
There is a Curious George book for almost everything and I think we've read 75% of them.  George, of course, gets into a little trouble while trying to have fun but he does appreciate the winter sports.

13) Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner, illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal
Every one of these "over and under..." books we've read have been excellent, I've learned a lot along with Luke!  This one is (obviously) about the animals living over and underneath the snow (I never knew they did!).  Beautiful but so educational.

14) Flora and the Penguin by Molly Idle
Flora befriends a penguin and they have to work together on the ice rink (OF COURSE we started with this one). 

15) Bunny Slopes by Claudia Rueda
A bunny wants to go skiing by needs your (your kids') help tilting and moving the book.  My son LOVES these types and having an interactive book keeps him more engaged.

16) The Little Polar Bear and the Submarine by Hans de Beer
Lars the polar bear loves playing in the snow but then discovers a dog and a submarine while on his adventure.  It turns into a rescue mission for two polar bears on board the submarine.

17) A Penguin Story by Antoinette Portis
This penguin only knows three colors: those of the snow, the sky, and the sea.  She sets out to find more.

18) Little Penguin Gets the Hiccups by Tadgh Bentley
A little penguin gets the hiccups and is willing to try anything to get rid of them.  He even needs help from you (your kids').  Can't we all relate to just wanting to get rid of hiccups?

Best wishes for peaceful, non hot chocolate spilling, reading time with your kids!