Friday, July 5, 2019

Looking Back at June

I feel like I say this every month lately but June was busy.  And I HATE saying busy.  I guess, truthfully, I should say our June weekends were busy, not being home for a single one besides the Friday we came home from vacation (6 nights away) and then spent the weekend unpacking, doing laundry, and readjusting to life at home.  We were at the lake, we were on vacation, and we were camping.  Our weekdays at home have been less busy but I feel like scheduling takes more brain power than it did during the school year!  We have so much more going on, trying to fit in lots of zoo trips before our pass expires, going to story time, family bike rides, and other fun summer things.  But I think the boys are having a good summer, especially Luke since summer is clearly a different season this year, having just finished his first year of school.  Every other year summer has been pretty much like the rest of the year, with him being home with me most of the time, just hotter!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Traveling with a Two Month Old (this feels like a LONG time ago)
2 years ago: How I Broke the Target Hold
3 years ago: The One Where Diana Hates Stain (and I haven't used it since)
4 years ago: Fab Flamingos
5 years ago: Chocolate Chip Banana Bread (just made a batch this morning!)
6 years ago: DIY Taco Seasoning (still the only kind we use!)
7 years ago: Doolin to Dingle

1) Family bike ride downtown!
2) OF COURSE I bought a flamingo doormat, to replace our pretty worn out pineapple one.
3) Sam enjoys looking at books, if only he enjoyed sitting still for more than 30 seconds for me to read him one.
4) Lemurs at the zoo!  We see them every time (besides the one time we got POURED on this spring).
5) Sunset in the backyard!
6) Being one and having to wake up from a nap is TOUGH.
7) Luke's favorite thing in this part of the zoo is the play phone.
8) Luke likes looking through books!  And we've been reading a lot this summer!
9) Hobos when camping, they are the best.
10) I try to read during Sam's naps and this day Luke wanted to join me!
11) Gorgeous blue sky, white cloud day (I made a hashtag on Instagram just for these!)
12) The boys "sharing" the drinking fountain at the zoo!
13) Our once a year zoo ride!
14) When it's 90° but we should mow the grass before setting up the pool, sprinkler day it is.  Bonus if I get to read while he plays.
15) First sno-cones of the season!
16) Gorgeous sunset at the lake!

Books finished: 17!
Miles ran:
40.50!  And over 30 of those in the last 2 weeks of the month!  
Currently watching: Slowly watching American Ninja Warrior, often with Luke after Sam goes to bed.  If we are caught up on that, Matt and I occasionally watch season 2 of The Good Place but often by the time the boys are in bed we're so tired that we go to bed!

Luke's current favorite song: Probably this weird one of the "Ghouls and Ghosts" song which is an old video game Matt and his nephews always play at the lake and now Matt and Luke frequently play it there.  Matt has a digital version of the song on his phone and Luke has figured out how to get Siri to play it for him, which he does a lot.  It's not annoying or anything.  NOT. AT. ALL. (Another reason I've had Siri disabled on my phone forever).

And now it's July!  The best month of the year!  Looking forward to all the awesome we are going to pack in!

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