Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fall Life Energy List

I always appreciate reflecting back on the previous season as we are about to embark on a new one.  It always helps to remember there are a plenty of little things to be grateful for but also so I can look back at the start of a season next year and remember what things I found especially life giving previously.  It's also a good way to look back to see how life is slowly changing, even when the days to days feel so much the same!  I've done these previously for Spring and Summer and now, as we really kick off the winter holiday season this week, here is Fall's!

1) Fall colors - the foliage is always a perfect delight for about 2 weeks in October and I love seeing it everywhere.
2) Being home pretty much every weekend.  Summers are always so busy and while we have a lot of fun, by fall we are so ready to be home weekend after weekend and just get things done.  Or at least not worry about the dishwasher molding while we are away!
3) Figuring out a good after school routine, even if it doesn't happen every day, at least we have a good starting point.
4) Fall walks/bike rides around the neighborhood with the boys - I LOVE THESE.
5) Not being able to run because of a strongly suspected stress fracture in my foot which freed up my schedule and made me not feel guilty about it at all! (Although the first couple weeks I was really itching to run!)

6) Those perfect fall days that require jeans and a jacket but not 100 layers to avoid the freezing cold.
7) Getting a head start on Thanksgiving/Christmas things in any way that I can!
8) Those rare and precious nights of not waking up at all (how long can we blame Sam's teeth on his not sleeping well?)
9) Tackling the to-do list and feeling that sense of accomplishment.
10) Getting our flu shots without getting sick (for YEARS I've told Matt I've gotten the flu immediately after getting a flu shot but it didn't happen this year!)
11) Those random 50° days after a streak of cold ones.

12) The first snow of the year - it was magical, especially because we got a 2 hour delay out of it (sleeping in!) but school wasn't canceled (using up a snow make-up day already!).
13) Regularly seeing at least one of my sisters, between walking to pick-up and weekly library dates.
14) Choosing experiences over physical gifts and/or eliminating gift exchanges so we have less Christmas shopping to do in the first place!
15) Matt being able to take a day off occasionally just to help with my scheduling.  I get really tired of looking for sitters!
16) Having my Mom a phone call and 15 minutes away.
17) Sam constantly learning new words and remembering so much and just generally being the most adorable.
18) Luke really making strides in his reading - he reads me books now! (Like 1 a day but, progress!)
19) Being off my phone - I feel a lot more accomplished and/or better bonded with my boys on the days I log less screen time (far from perfect on this but always trying!)
20) Making progress on my hair routines and products and sometimes even feeling like it looks good.

The day before I got 3 inches chopped off so it doesn't look like this anymore!
Do you have any ways of closing out a season before moving onto the next?  I'd love to hear about it!