My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate
links sprinkled in. Thanks for helping support the blog! =) See more here!
Happy Black Friday! Are you shopping today? I am. Mainly to get this deal to use later but also for the joy of browsing Target alone. And I can almost guarantee we will be placing some online orders today too. November and December is when I can look at our Amazon account and be unnecessarily proud that we have gone TWO WHOLE WEEKS without placing an order. That feels like an accomplishment this time of the year.
1) Target Yoga Pants
I know people are all about leggings (which I also own but mainly for sleeping/layering) but I still love a good yoga pants, over my leggings. I am on my third pair in the last 10 years and I cannot give them up. I bought these in the spring as a replacement for my last pair that had too many holes to be worn decently without leggings underneath and then promptly forgot all about them until about a month ago and was delighted to pull them out. The don't have a fold over waistband which I like because there is less fabric to deal with with these. I find them to be perfectly fitting and super comfortable. I am very appreciative to my past self for buying these in May so I'd have them in the fall!
2) Instant Family
We have a massive group text with a large part of Matt's family (I just checked - literally 38 people on it) and a couple of my sister-in-laws were talking about this movie. It was on the shelf at the library and I checked it out a couple days later. We both really enjoyed it. It's about a married couple who don't have kids and then decide to go through the foster care system and get a sibling set of 3 and instantly become a family. We laughed and I cried by the end. We haven't fostered but there are still parts we could relate to as adoptive parents and I think most people would find it hilarious and heart-warming. We really enjoyed it.
3) Cantu Coconut Curling Cream
I've been on a journey with my hair this year, changing every single product I use on it and mostly being happy with it (except the wet hair for drop-off part). I can even get two days out of one washing which I couldn't before when my hair was curly! I've been using this curling cream after a leave-in conditioner in the mornings and I really like it. It holds my waves well, it smells good, and I like that it's in a tub so I know I'll be able to get every little bit out (although the tub is huge and that's going to take me months). Usually by this point in the year I've switched to drying and straightening my hair about twice a week but this year I'm still going wavy which feels like an accomplishment!
4) White Cheddar Cheetos
We are pretty hardcore Aldi devotees. We buy their store brand of almost everything we can and I'll pickup a few items at Target and Kroger that I mostly can't get at Aldi. But there are a few things where we will agree that the name brand is better. One is Oreos (our neighbor gave us a package and we quickly agreed they beat store brands) and the other is Cheetos. Last Saturday morning Matt and Luke were off getting my tire fixed and I realized I was out of the molasses I needed to make gingerbread dough (OF COURSE I didn't finish going through the ingredients and also notice that I was out of ground ginger which is pretty important when it's in the name). Matt agreed to do a Target drive-up order for my molasses and I threw these in the order to help make-up for them needing to stop for an ingredient for cookies they don't really eat. And then we remembered, again, that actual Cheetos are better and these, in my opinion, are the best variety. We buy them maybe twice a year but they are really good. Bonus, these don't leave orange residue all over your fingers.
5) Vintage (looking) Ceramic Christmas Trees
My Mom painted one of these and it sat in my parent's entryway, every Christmas season, my entire childhood (that I remember...maybe it didn't make an appearance a few years when there were toddlers in the house but maybe my Mom also trusted us more than I trust my boys?). I've seen them popping up more lately and now I am sale stalking one at Target. I do not need any more Christmas decorations and I do try to simplify BUT...there is a nostalgia factor here that reminds me of the cozy Christmases of my childhood. Bonus, this one runs off batteries so I can put it on a shelf up high where my boys can't reach it and it's only danger is the balls that occasionally fly in the house despite the rule of "no throwing balls in the house". I'll probably buy one with a 20% shopping trip if they aren't sold out by then!
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