It's almost Thanksgiving!! I am super excited about this. I love the last 6-7 weeks of the year.
We had our first Thanksgiving yesterday, with most of my immediate family (parents, sisters, brother-in-laws). We have two on Thursday and then a Thankmas (Thanksgiving/Christmas) in a few weeks. Lots of family time coming up. =)
Today I turned in our packet of paperwork to Lutheran Social Services.
This one was only 21 pages!! (Slightly smaller than our first Catholic Charities packet). Had 2 applications to fill out, then copies of 3 years of W-2s and our marriage license. Not too bad. Now just have to get through another home study visit. Hope to be listed by the end of the year.
Tonight I got Matt to help me dip truffles. I make two kinds: cookie dough and Oreo. I rolled them both 2 weeks ago (while watching election results) but I dread dipping them. I still have a bit of a fear of melted chocolate (never seems to work like I hope).
With Matt helping it took a little over an hour. Very relieved to have that done! Basically down to baking & frosting cookies (dough is made) and then a few things that barely count because they are so easy (chex mix, 6 layer bars). I really like the excuse to spend so much time baking. These treats will last us quite awhile (I finished my last truffle from last year's batch in late September).
Today I had my 14th doctor's appointment since Labor Day (11 weeks ago). 5 different doctors, 4 sets of xrays, 3 shots, 2 MRIs, 1 person very very tired of going to the doctor. I think I should be done with doctors for awhile now! And by "awhile" I mean about 6 weeks...I have a follow-up foot appointment 1/3/13. I think that will be my longest doctor break all year.
That's about it. By this time next week we should have our tree and a mostly decorated house! So excited for this long Thanksgiving weekend!!