Friday, July 31, 2015

Things I Like - July

1) Zero waste home
I've read a few books about simplifying and being green and all that.  This seemed to take all that even one step further.  The author has gotten her family of 4 down to a quart of trash a year.  A YEAR!  And here I'm proud we won't even fill normal sized trash bag every other week.  I don't think I'll ever get to making my own eyeliner from burnt almonds but this book still had a lot of good ideas.  A lot of things I'd like to incorporate (refusing freebies, buying less packaging) and gave me a lot to think about.  The thought of dumps piling up with just crap that will never go anywhere disgusts me, even as I add to it myself.  I'm a big fan of recycling but that's not enough.  Not consuming things, buying less, having less to dispose of if the real key.  Something I hope to continually improve for the rest of my life.

2) Mossimo Novelee Wedges

I've been on a bit of a shoe kick this year, adding 2 new wedges and 2 flats to my closet (although I think I've gotten rid of 4 pairs of shoes with all my pre-garage sale purging so really coming out even??).  These are my newest addition and right now I'm really just looking for more excuses to wear them.  I saw these on a fashion blog a few weeks ago, was delighted when I saw they were from Target and even more when they were on sale!  My store had them in stock and matched the online sale price.  A few days later I wore them to church.  They are 3+ inches but still super comfortable.  I always love when new shoes don't need bandaids on the first wear!  I might be done buying wedges now (although, honestly, I'm still looking for a navy really probably not).  BONUS...I just saw these on clearance at my store this week (although not online yet) so you should definitely check that out, especially with the extra 20% Cartwheel off clearance things this week. I would be mad that I paid a little more but I like them enough that I'm not. 

3) Show 'Em What You're Made Of

I've mentioned Backstreet Boys around here a lot.  More than a few times.  Obviously when their documentary hit free-viewing platforms I was going to watch it (I checked out digitally from the library a few days before it was on Netflix, where it still is).  I really really enjoyed it.  Like, enough that I would watch it again in the next few weeks.  Some of the history I knew but not all and they went more in depth.  Reviews I read said people would like it as a fan or not.  I'm not so sure about that but even a casual fan would probably enjoy it.  So in other words, Matt will never watch it but anyone who even kinda followed them in the late 90s-early 00s should.  There might be a reason Luke and I have been listening to them so much lately and that he knows their lastest cd as soon as it starts playing on my phone.

4) The War That Saved My Life

This is a children's book.  I've read plenty of YA books over the years and have definitely read my share of toddler/young children's books in the last 2 years but it's been awhile since I read a children's novel.  This was, obviously, an easy read (again, it's for children) but it was really interesting and well written.   It's the story of a young girl and her brother who escape London before the Blitz of World War II.  They are placed with a single woman in the countryside.  It was a different side of the war to read about.  Recommend for some easy, but not so light, reading. 

5) Old Navy Tank Tops
When we are at the lake I usually wear three things: pjs, a swim suit, or one of these Old Navy tank tops (with a church outfit in there, if applicable).  The family lake cottage is not a fancy place, showers are rare (thank you, septic).  Suffice it to say, when we are up there we aren't the cleanest of people.  It's perfectly acceptable to wear the same shirt many days in a row because you are already dirty and this clothes is already dirty, so why make more things dirty?  (Although, Matt's brother and sister-in-law recently bought a cottage already hooked up to the sewer which is kinda a big deal because it means SHOWERS and we were able to take one each over my long birthday weekend...that was pretty amazing.)  Back to the tank tops...they are pretty amazing and comfortable.  They are loose enough that those extra strawberry daiquiris aren't going to show (which has NEVER EVER happened, this is purely hypothetical) and they help prevent the dreaded "farmer's tan".  The straps don't stay super in place so I only have dark colors and wear with a black bra which makes it all ok in my book, especially at the lake which we have already established is pretty relaxed.  I am wearing one as I type this (yay for finally getting some hot summer weather!) although, since we are home, I am back to showering every day (like normal people).  These are definitely a new summer staple for me. 

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