Last week I did a FINAL update on how I fared on my 19 in 2019 list. To recap: I got a passing grade, did better than 2018, but did not hit 100%. Maybe this will be the year!
I've said this before but I find making these lists to be highly motivating; I try to add a few things off the list to my to-dos for each month. It helps me spread that "it's the start of the new year and I'm going to do all the productive things!" energy across the entire year, or at least the first 10 months before I hit Christmas mode and very little else gets done. It's also helpful to look back at this list a year later and see that we did get some things done; we made progress even when life seems to be sitting still. Also, crossing things off is HIGHLY motivating and maybe being able to do that will help me finally get some of these done.
Here we go!
Home related
1) Figure out over the dining table
When we moved in 14 years ago we replaced both ceiling fans in the front room. Years later I decided I didn't like the ones we put in (they were the cheapest ones at Lowes at the time and we were 22, had just started our real jobs, had just bought our house, and were about to pay for part of our wedding, we didn't have a lot of extra money). We bought two more modern looking white ones on sale at Lowes (the same one we replaced the porch fan with). Matt switched out the one over the tv area but I still haven't decided (after more than a year of thinking about it) if I want the second fan over the dining table or if we should replace it with a light, since we rarely use that fan (in which case the second fan we bought will go in my office which is open to the front room). I need to just make a decision.
2) Replace end table
Matt build us a new coffee table last spring and the end table is overdue for a replacement. Matt is planning to build this once we can agree on a design.
3) Replace night stands
This is the third year this has been on my list but I am DETERMINED to get it done. We've gone back and forth on building or buying but since we want solid wood and good construction but aren't willing to pay the price for it...we're back to Matt building. (So basically he needs to take off a month just to build furniture. If only that paid the bills.)
4) Replace nightstand lamps
We have never had even remotely matching nightstand lamps and the (glass) shade on Matt's broke in the middle of the night about 2 years ago maybe. Once we get new nightstands I am replacing these.
5) Replace bedframe
I've wanted to do this for YEARS but can never swallow spending the money. So this year I put a Christmas check into an unused bank account and told Matt we are auto-transferring $50 a month until we have the money saved. I want this one in navy and I think it will be beautiful.
6) Put in sandbox for the boys
Matt has finally called the playhouse nearly complete (he'll always be tinkering on little things) and we decided we need a bigger sandbox for the boys because the Little Tikes one we bought 6 years ago just isn't cutting it. And since Luke LOVES to tear up the grass under the swings, I think the sandbox will go around the whole playset and swings. You are welcome people who buy this house from us. That will be a doozy to get rid of. But the boys will get a lot of use out of it.
7) Add lights to the backyard
I desperately want string lights in the backyard. I don't care how basic it is, they are pretty and everyone likes hanging out under string lights. Just might make my (occasional) rifle spinning a little harder.
8) Organize Luke's Legos
Over Christmas break a year ago, Luke and I sorted all his Legos by color with the intent of rebuilding all the sets he had received and then torn apart. Well, a year later we have rebuilt zero sets and he ended up rebuying one of them (with his own money) just to have it put back together. So, I think it's safe to say at his current age, we are not rebuilding his sets. But the Legos are still kinda sorted by color in various boxes and it's a mess. I want some sort of plastic storage drawer thing and then Matt to build a little shelf to go over it for Luke to display his creations. This all has to live in Matt's office because almost 2 year old boys aren't real nice to Legos.
Nagging Tasks
9) Clean converse sneakers
Matt bought me Converse sneakers maybe almost 3 years ago? They are the shoes I wore all over NYC and Vegas on our trips in 2018 as well as other times at home and they have gotten DIRTY. Especially from the Jamba Juice Luke dropped on my shoe in Vegas (as seen on my right shoe above, it's worse in person). They are machine washable, I just need to do it.
10) Figure out how to use Fitbit
Christmas a year ago I
debated asking Matt to get me a FitBit. I decided against it but then a
couple months later my sister was upgrading from hers and offered to
sell me her Fitbit for a cheap price. I bought it from her and replaced
the charger but have yet to do anything else with it. I really need to
get on that. I'd especially like to see my daily steps on days I run
and walk to school pick-up in the spring. Maybe that will be my
11) Renew passports
A repeat from last year, I just
discovered that I can renew these, including having our pictures taken,
at our local post office (and not just downtown) so we just need to make
an appointment some day Matt is off work or off early.
12) Shorten our blind
When I repainted our master bedroom almost 3 years ago, we also replaced the blind and added curtains. However, the blind is too long and almost every day since I have thought about shortening it. We have shortened other blinds around the house but none are bamboo like this. I know it's possible. We just need to dedicate about an hour to doing it to get it done.
13) Use face things
So Jamie B. Golden of The Popcast loves face care and listening to her talk about it on podcasts and watching some of her IG stories convinced me to buy a few products like Retinol. But I have yet to use these and I need to really get on that. I've just had a lot of face irritation issues over the last year that makes me hesitant but since I am past the return window I can't get any money back on them anyways. I need to do it.
14) Meet our neighbors
They moved in a year ago. I have yet to introduce myself. I KNOW. But they did put up a big privacy fence (that they asked Matt about) (and it was installed ON the 4th of July, which was weird) so I rarely see them besides walking to/from their cars. But it's pretty bad. Maybe I'll go over with Luke the next time he has to ring their doorbell because he threw/kicked a ball over the fence. (Yes, I made him do this alone the first time and every time since. INTROVERT.)
15) Replace my standard cross-body bag
I bought a cheapish purse from Target almost 4 years ago and used it A LOT; it's SO handy in the summer with kids. But it's a cheap Target purse and is peeling so it needs replaced.
16) Go on 6 dates
We (barely) made our 4 last year so this year I am making it 6! Can we do it??? (Already have the first on the calendar with a sitter lined up!)
17) order 5 photobooks
That would be Michigan vacation (SO CLOSE), 2019, Sam year 2, Luke year 7, and for our vacation this summer. I am going to be SO MUCH MORE on top of this summer vacation's photobook than I was on last summer's! (All I have to do is order it within 7 months of the trip and I'll be more on top of it... Although I didn't order our NYC one until about 8 months after the trip but I did have a less than 3 month old baby at that time.)
18) Start allowance with Luke
We have been talking about this for YEARS and we just need to do it. Matt and I have finally agreed on an amount, we just haven't agreed on where he puts his money (force him to save any for college? Put some in the bank?) so we haven't started. But good money management is important and it starts as a kid.
19) Travel map
Another repeat from last year. I think I may have, finally, figured where this could go which was part of my hesitation last year. However, that place involves moving a lot of frames and changing wall decor on 3 I'm not set on it yet.
20) Paint star background for Christmas nativity
This strangely ties into the above, if plans go through! I put our main nativity scene on our buffet, above which hangs a gallery wall of our vacation photos. It's always a little jarring to see the baby Jesus under a picture of us at the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign and I've been thinking for years about using my kraft paper to paint some sort of starry night backdrop to hang over the vacation pictures gallery. However, I am not much of an artist and December is always already so busy. BUT it would look really nice if I could get myself to do it!
That's it! The main goal for the year is to hit 100%! The back-up goal is to do better than 2019's 72%! But, also, I will gladly throw all of these out the window if we get a baby!
Do you make 20 in 2020 type lists? I'd love to hear what you have on them! And if you are more successful at finishing them than me!