I have finally narrowed down my 20 in 2020 list but before I share that next week, I thought I better review how I did on 19 in 2019. Some of them, great. Some of them, not really. Some of them show up again for 20 in 2020!
Even though I didn't finish all the items on my list, I still really see value in this activity. It helps keep me motivated to tackle projects and keeps my "day to day" me more in tune with what "big picture at the start of the year" me would like to accomplish. It's also a good time for Matt and I to discuss project we'd like to tackle "together" (i.e. that I'd like him to accomplish while I give plenty of unrequested input) and pencil those into where they might happen in the year.
Overall, I got a 72% which sure beats the 25% I got for my 18 in 2018! (In all fairness, we did get a "surprise" baby in early 2018 which was way more exciting and important than anything on that list.)
Nagging Tasks
1) Renew passports (0%)
We did not do this but I did pick up paper application the last time I was at the post office (after someone spilled water all over the ones I had printed) so very small progress made.
2) Fill all the nail holes & paint (100%)
All of the holes we had at the beginning of the year have been filled and painted. However, over the course of life and living with two small boys, a few more have popped up. But I'm still counting it a win.
3) Use some of our compost (0%)
None, but I did talk to my sister about hauling all our compost up to her house for their compost pile and then we could start from scratch. I think this is a good plan but haven't run it by Matt (who would be doing the hauling).
House Projects
4) Put hooks in the stairway (100%)
Done, even did two bonus hook rails at the lake!
5) Replace porch ceiling fan (100%)
6) Replace night stands (0%)
No, if only thinking about this made it happen.
7) Replace house numbers (100%)
Done, Matt took this one over although I did pick out the numbers from Lowes!
8) Sand down & repaint Luke's bedroom door (100%)
Done, Matt also did this one, a relief to be past the "no door to shut for Sam's naptime" stage.
9) Add flower boxes to playhouse (100%)
Done, maybe next year we'll try harder to keep the flowers in it alive.
10) Plant a lilac bush/tree (100%)
Kinda Fun
11) Fill kitchen picture ledges (100%)
Yep, I even switched out a couple pictures for Christmas!
12) Find a daily lip color (50%)
No but I realized I had a lip color that I like for when I want color on my lips so that's not quite what I had in mind but it's going to do for now!
13) Find a delicate, short necklace (100%)
Yep, got it for Mother's Day/our anniversary (they are very close and I never remember which gifts I get for which).
14) Figure out map for travels (0%)
No, this might be on my 2020 list too.
15) Organize Luke's school papers (50%)
Over fall break I got really motivated and went through ALL the papers I had saved from kindergarten and up to that point of 1st grade and did a big clean out. I got Luke's input on which he wanted to save and really got it narrowed down to a reasonable number. Since I did that I have been much pickier about what I keep from 1st grade so the papers aren't growing a lot. I haven't figured out the organizing system part but just getting the papers under control is a good start.
16) Go on 4 dates with Matt (100%)
By a very generous counting we got these in!
17) Read 6 chapter books with Luke (100%)
I think we read 15, if only I could give myself 250% to help my score. Reading chapter books is firmly in our routine now and will definitely continue! I have SO MANY I want to read with him!
18) Order 6 photobooks (2018, Sam year 1, Luke year 6, NYC, Las Vegas, summer 2019 vacation) (83%)
SO CLOSE. By the middle of the year I had ordered all but for our summer 2019 vacation which I had mostly done by the end of the year. At this point, mid-January, I just have a couple more day's summary pages to write and then wait for the right sale to order. SO CLOSE. Having to update an adoption profile in November/December really ate into my vacation photobook time.
19) Integrate 3 essential oils in our lives (80%)
The one we use the most, by far, is lavender which we run almost nightly in a diffuser in the boys' room (anything to help with Sam's sleep problems!). I bought orange to use in some of my cleaners which I have kept up. The third I bought was eucalyptus which is supposed to be good with swollen, arthritic joints (which I have) but I haven't looked into how you actually apply them since it can't be used directly on skin. I know you need to mix it with something but haven't figured it all out yet.
I'm pretty happy with how the year went and the things we got done! Having these lists to continually check in on really helps to keep us moving!
1st Quarter Progress on 19 in 2019
2nd Quarter Progress on 19 in 2019
3rd Quarter Progress on 19 in 2019